Analyzing Results
View your results from the Analyze Results section of a survey. You can see a summary view of your data; browse individual responses; create custom charts; use filters to focus on specific data views and segments; and easily download your results in multiple formats.
To view how a particular respondent answered your survey, click the Individual Responses tab in your survey results. At the top of each response, you'll see some respondent metadata, which is outlined in this article.
A survey response is one respondent's submission of a survey, whether they completed the survey or only partially completed it. In the Individual Responses tab of your survey results, each response has one of the following statuses: Complete, Partial, Disqualified, or Over Quota.
Responses are recorded in the Analyze Results section of your survey. Read these tips if you think you're missing some responses.
Response Quality uses machine learning to scan your survey results and flag low-quality responses.
Respondents Skipped Required Questions
When you analyze your results, you may see that some respondents skipped required questions. The respondent may have exited the survey early, skip logic may have skipped the respondent past the question, or the respondent may have taken the survey before you added the required question.
Find insights and trends in your text responses by tagging responses, creating a word cloud, or automatically detecting the sentiment behind each response.
Sentiment Analysis automatically categorizes your text responses to reveal the emotion behind what people are saying.
Use the word cloud to see a visual representation of the most common words and phrases from your survey responses.
Create tags to categorize responses on questions with open-ended responses.
Viewing a Specific Comment in the Analysis
From the Individual Responses tab, view a respondent's specific comments. From the Question Summaries tab, click Responses to see a list of open-ended comments.
You can choose one of several chart types for each of your questions and customize the chart and data table for a question. The chart types available depend on the question type.
Customizing Charts and Data Tables
Charts, data tables, and basic statistics can be created for all closed-ended survey questions. Edit the display options to fine-tune the way your data displays—combine or hide answer choices or edit chart colors or labels.
Combining or Hiding Answer Choices
You can combine or hide answer choices in a chart for closed-ended question types with a single answer choice allowed.
Basic statistics show you the minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation for a closed-ended question. Basic statistics appear in a separate data table below the question chart
Turn on statistical significance while adding a Compare Rule to a question in your survey. Examine the data tables for the questions in your survey to see if there are statistically significant differences in how different groups answered the survey.
Can I assign numerical values to answer choices?
Display basic statistics to see the minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation for a question. You can also assign numerical values to answer choices for some question types.
Use Data Trends to assess how responses have changed over time. Send the same survey multiple times and see how responses compare.
Crosstab reports let you choose questions and answer choices to display in a data table for easy comparison across multiple questions, and share them with other people.
Using Rules to Break Down Survey Results
Filter, compare, and show rules allow you to break down your survey results and focus in on specific subsets of your data, so you can analyze your results in a way that's most meaningful to you.
Filter rules allow you to break down your survey results and focus on specific parts of your data.
Compare rules let you choose two or more answer options from a single question and view them as a side-by-side comparison.
A view is snapshot of your survey data made up of any rules that you apply to your survey results. You can create a Saved View to easily see sections of your data at any time, without having to recreate them.
Use show rules to focus on specific parts of your survey results.
Filtering by Open-Ended Comments or Text
You can Filter by Question and Answer to filter textboxes or comment boxes by specific words or phrases.
Excluding Respondents who Skipped Questions
Exclude respondents from survey results who skipped particular questions. Create a Filter by Question and Answer and select every answer choice—this removes respondents who didn't answer the question.
Learn how to share your survey results, depending on how much access you want to give to other people and how much you'd like to customize your presentation.
Create shared data pages to share your survey results and charts online. You can control who can access your shared data page and what data you want to include.
Create a customizable dashboard to present your survey results and insights. Add charts and text, then share your dashboard with anyone.
Getting Feedback on Surveys and Results
You can invite others to give feedback on your survey design by sharing your survey preview link or sending an invite to comment. Once you collect survey responses, you can use a Shared Data Page to invite others to give feedback on your survey results.
Export survey data to download an offline copy of your survey results. There are several export formats: PDF, PPT, XLS, CSV, and SPSS
We have several export examples available if you want to see how an export looks before downloading. At this time, examples are available in English only.
Export your survey results to an Excel spreadsheet. The Summary Data export includes data tables with response counts and percentages per question. The Responses Data export breaks down results by respondent.
Export your survey results to a CSV spreadsheet. The All Summary Data export includes data tables with response counts and percentages per question.
Export your survey results as a PDF with charts and data tables. PDF exports are ideal for printing and sharing since they require no additional analysis or editing. Export all results or the results of an individual question or respondent.
Export your survey results as a PowerPoint presentation to share with your friends or colleagues. The export includes charts and data tables.
Create custom charts of your data and download them to your computer or share them online.
Export your survey results to an SAV file to use in SPSS, a popular computer program used for statistical analysis.
Many formatting issues are resolved by using the Text Import Wizard to open a CSV. Format cells to change the date or number format.
Exporting an Individual Question
You can download the chart and data of an individual question. Click Save As from the top-right of the question in the Question Summary tab.
Viewing Benchmarks in Survey Results
Benchmarks allow you to compare your survey results to others who used the same Question Bank questions as you. The Benchmarks menu appears if at least one Question Bank question used in your survey has an available benchmark.
How to Buy Industry Benchmarks
Benchmarks give context to your survey results by allowing you to compare your results to others who used the same Question Bank questions as you. You can buy Industry Benchmarks for specific comparison groups in our benchmarks store.
Benchmark data comes from SurveyMonkey customers who used Question Bank questions in their surveys. You can opt out or exclude your data from benchmarks.