
Learn about Enterprise Features

ENTERPRISE FEATURES: If you're interested in these Enterprise-only features, get in touch with our sales team. Existing customers, please contact your customer success manager. Add-on features must be purchased separately.

In addition to collaboration features that come with team plans, Enterprise plans allow you to track account usage, organize users by department or project, and control team-wide settings.

Admin User RoleOnly Enterprise teams allow Admins in addition to the Primary Admin.
Single Sign-On (SSO)Let everyone on your team log in using your organization’s corporate login credentials.
Team ActivityView who logged in and what's been happening in the team.
Account ControlLock down your organization's email domain so that every SurveyMonkey account using your company's email domain becomes part of your Enterprise team.
DivisionsCreate sub-groups within your Enterprise team admins, users, and a division library.
WorkgroupsOrganize team members with a shared purpose to work together on survey projects.
Enterprise Team SettingsSet default collector types and options, control whether people can change default selections, allow or restrict the types of collectors your team can use to send surveys, and more.
System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM)Help your IT department keep track of accounts by linking your identity provider to SurveyMonkey.

Only Enterprise plans can connect data to 100+ business-critical apps to automate workflows, streamline lead management, and sync data across reports. See app directory

SurveyMonkey for SalesforceAutomate workflows to trigger surveys and push survey data back to Salesforce records for in-context analysis. Create reports and dashboards and automate other workflow rules to take action on feedback.
Microsoft Power BI IntegrationConnect SurveyMonkey response data to Power BI Desktop—create data models, visually display your data with charts and graphs, and create reports.
Tableau IntegrationSet up an extract to export survey responses and quiz results to Tableau Desktop using a Web Data Connector.
Marketo IntegrationSync your response data with your leads in Marketo. Create or update leads from contact information collected in surveys, attach response data to existing leads, and trigger email campaigns based on certain response conditions.
Direct API accessBuild your own public or private app to send surveys and extract your survey data.

If you're part of an Enterprise team, we regard the organization to be the owner of the team and all the accounts on that team. Learn more

HIPAA ComplianceCollect and manage PHI through surveys in a manner compliant with HIPAA.
EU Data CenterStore survey and response data in the EU Data Center in Ireland, using our public cloud infrastructure. Other data, such as login information, billing details, and account metadata may be stored in the United States.
Canadian Data CenterStore survey and response data in the Canadian Data Center, using our public cloud infrastructure. Other data, such as login information, billing details, and account metadata may be stored in the United States.
Respondent AuthenticationSend more secure internal surveys and track the people taking your survey with SSO metadata. Respondent Authentication on the Web Link collector requires survey takers to log in through SSO to access your survey.

In addition to unlocking standard survey branding features, you can take branding to the next level with these custom branding features for your organization.

Library and Division LibrariesUse shared assets to create surveys, images, documents, templates, themes, and questions, and teams with Divisions can also access division libraries that have additional survey controls.
Custom Question BankAdd custom questions to the Library and add them to surveys from the Question Bank.
Custom Sender Name and Email DomainChoose the display name and email address (the From field) when you send surveys with the Email Invitation. It replaces the SurveyMonkey sender name and email.
Custom DomainChange the domain of your survey link to to create a White Label URL for your survey.
Enterprise End PagesCreate a branded page to show at the end of surveys or display an enhanced version of the SurveyMonkey end page.

Solutions built for decision makers in your organization—understand target markets, elevate your brand, ship better products, deliver world-class customer experiences, and build more engaged and diverse workplaces.

Return to Work SolutionsA great way for HR leaders to understand employee feelings about working remotely, returning to work, and working in shared spaces.
Start with an editable survey template with guided setup, decide how frequently you want to send the survey out, and access automatically created reports with insights from your results.
Covid-19 Symptom Tracking SurveyA tool to help your employees return to work safely. We’ve enabled HIPAA security features for accounts that purchase this solution.
Start with a template with key questions to help make decisions about coming into work. Based on people's answers, they'll be put into groups and you can set up a custom message to help guide their next steps.
Industry BenchmarksEvery SurveyMonkey customer has access to free Global Benchmarks. But with an Enterprise plan, you and everyone in your team also gets one paid Industry Benchmark for free!
Managing Credits for Market ResearchPermit or restrict users from buying responses. Allow users request credits, and the Primary Admin transfers them to their account. Credits can be used for Audience and Market Research projects.

Send surveys using all collector types, and even more advanced ways to send, track, and be notified of responses.

Instant NotificationsSee new survey responses each time a response is submitted.
Smart NotificationsSend email notifications to you or others based on conditions you set.
Offline Kiosk ModeUse offline mode and the SurveyMonkey Anywhere app to collect responses without an internet connection.
Sending Surveys via Text MessageText people a link to take your survey on their phone—track responses or keep anonymous.