When sending out your survey, you can customize your survey link by using a Custom URL Ending, as well as changing the Domain, and changing the Subdomain.
Custom URL Ending
You can create a Custom URL Ending to make your link more relevant to your survey and respondents. The URL ending is the part of the URL that comes after the /r/ in a survey link. By default, SurveyMonkey randomly generates a string of numbers and letters.
You can use a Custom URL Ending for any Web Link Collector or Social Media Collector. It's not available for other collector types.
You can't customize your URL ending for Web Links with the Recurrence collector option turned on. If you create a Custom URL Ending, the Recurrence is automatically disabled—and vice versa.
To create a Custom URL Ending:
TIP! If you customize the URL after you send the survey out, both the original link and the customized link will work.
White Label URL
You can also change the domain of your survey link to use the White Label URL. You can choose the domain research.net to create a White Label URL for your survey.
When you change your default domain preference, new collectors you create will use the domain you select. Existing collectors aren't affected.
To change your default domain preference:
ENTERPRISE ADD-ON: Requesting a custom subdomain is only available to customers on Enterprise. If you're interested, contact sales. If you already have an Enterprise account, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).
You can also change the subdomain of your survey link to make it more recognizable to your organization.
You can then choose this to be your default domain preference by following the steps above in Your Default Domain.