
If you are an admin for a site and are building and monitoring programs on your site, below are a few commonly asked questions from SurveyMonkey Apply site administrators.

Once an account has been created for a user, they will be able to access the account using that email address. However, depending on the circumstances, an applicant may request their email address to be changed.

If this is the case you can provide them with the link to the applicable FAQ section which details the steps to change their own email:
Applicant FAQ
Recommender FAQ
Reviewer FAQ

Alternatively, you can change it for them.

To change a user's email address:

  • Click on the user's name in the top right corner of the page
  • Select My Account
  • Go to My Profile
  • Edit the Name and Email address accordingly
  • When you save the profile, an email will be sent to the new email address and the user will need to confirm the change before it is reflected.

NOTE: Please make sure the new email doesn't already have an account within SurveyMonkey Apply.
If there is already an existing account under that email, you won't be able to easily change the email using these steps.

Instead, the user will need to log in under the new email address as a new account. 

As an administrator on the site, you will likely receive questions from your users in regards to how to navigate various sections of the site.

To assist your users with their questions you can refer to our helpful troubleshooting articles for each type of user:
Troubleshooting Applicant Issues
Troubleshooting Reviewer Issues
Troubleshooting Recommender Issues 

As an administrator of SurveyMonkey Apply, unfortunately, you do not have the direct ability to change a user's password on their behalf. If a user contacts you wanting to change their password, you can provide them with the following link:
General Account FAQ

  • Assume Role from Manage Users
  • Assume Role through the User's Profile

For more information on assuming the role of an applicant, you can refer to How to Assume the Role of a User

To exit the Assume Role feature:
Click on the Return to Admin button in the top left side of the screen 

When an applicant has been added manually to the site they won't be active until their email has been verified and their account has been activated. One way to activate their account is to send an invite to the user, however, you can also activate the account manually as an administrator.

  • Activate Individual Users
  • Activate Users in Bulk

In some cases, you may wish to restrict certain users from accessing your site. If this is the case, we would recommend deactivating a user as opposed to deleting them from the site.

Deactivating users allows you to restrict access, but maintains any data that they may have submitted, whether it be applications, recommendations, or reviews.

  • Deactivate Individual Users
  • Deactivate Users in Bulk

As described in How to Create a Program - Applications you can customize how Applications are given IDs. When you change the ID for the program, the ID for any application already created will not be changed retroactively. However, if you wish to change the Application ID format for any newly created applications:

  • Go to the Program Settings of the program you wish to make the change for
  • Go to the Applications tab
  • Select or Unselect to include a Prefix on the ID
  • Select or Unselect to Randomize application ID numbers

As described in How to Create a Program - Application you can choose whether you wish to set the Application Title/Name to be the Application ID, or to a custom title given by the applicant. By default, this will be set to Application ID.

However, to change this:

  1. Go to the Program Settings of the program you wish to make the change for
  2. Go to the Applications tab
  3. Select or Unselect Require applicants to name their applications depending on how you wish the Applications to be named.

As described in How to Create a Program - Application you can choose how many applications an applicant can create per program. In order to set a limit:

Go to the Program Settings of the program you wish to make the change for
Go to the Applications tab
Select or Deselect Allow applicants to apply more than once

If you select this option to allow the applicants to apply more than once to the program, click Limit Number of Applications to and enter a value.

SurveyMonkey Apply does not offer the ability to extend a deadline for only specific users. Any deadline set on the programstage or task, will apply to all applications that have applied to that program.
However, for alternative steps, you can refer to our article on How to Manage/Edit Applications after a Deadline

Alternatively, you can delete the application as an administrator by moving the application to the Trash through Manage Applications.

For more information, you can refer to How to Move Applications to Trash.

If an Applicant contacts you for assistance in withdrawing their application you can provide them with the steps provided in the Applicant FAQ in order to have them withdraw/delete the application themselves.

If an application has been Archived or Trashed you can choose to reactivate it in the site on behalf of the application.

  1. Go to Manage Applications
  2. Change the status filter to Archived Applications
  3. Select the application(s) you wish to reactivate
  4. Select More
  5. Select Unarchive
  1. Go to Manage Applications
  2. Change the status filter to Trashed Applications
  3. Select the application(s) you wish to reactivate
  4. Select More
  5. Select Restore

This will return the application to the state it was before the application was archived or Trashed.

Applications can only be permanently deleted from a site if they are first marked as trash. For this reason, the action of permanently deleting an application can only be carried out from the trashed applications page within Manage Applications.

To permanently delete an application:

  1. Go to Manage Applications
  2. If the applications are Active, first move the applications to the trash
  3. Access your trashed applications from the status filter drop-down menu.
  4. Select the applications that need to be permanently deleted
  5. Select More
  6. Select Delete Permanently
  7. You will be provided with the warning "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected applications?"
  8. Click YES to confirm your deletion

To reopen an application after it has been submitted:

  1. Go to Manage Applications
  2. Select the application you wish to reopen
  3. Click Workflow
  4. Click Reopen

This will reopen the application and allow the applicant to resubmit.

TIP! Use this step if you have moved an application back to the application round to allow for the applicant to edit a task. Once they have completed editing their task they will be able to resubmit their application. If you as an admin would like to modify an application you can refer to How to Edit a Task on Behalf of a User.

For more information on editing information on behalf of an applicant, you can refer to How to Edit a Task on Behalf of a User.

  1. Go to Manage Applications select the application(s) you wish to award
    Go to the Administrator Application View
  2. Click Decision 
  3. Click Award
  4. Enter the amount that will be allocated to the application(s)
  5. Optional: Select if the applications should move stages immediately
  6. Optional: Set whether or not the applicants are required to accept or decline the award.
    NOTE: You will also be able to set a Decision Deadline for them which will be a soft deadline for when they need to make the decision.
  7. Optional: Determine if the decision will be visible to applicants in their application. You can choose to show this at a later date (see below).
  8. Set notifications and emails to notify the applicants of the decision.
  1. Go to Manage Applications select the application(s) you wish to award
    Go to the Administrator Application View
  2. Click Decision 
  3. Click Decline
  4. Optional: Determine if the decision will be visible to applicants in their application. You can choose to show this at a later date (see below).
  5. Set notifications and emails to notify the applicants of the decision.

After you have awarded your applications you can choose to Hide or Show the Decision to the applicants in their portal.

  1. Go to Manage Applications select the application(s) you wish to award
    Go to the Administrator Application View
  2. Click Decision 
  3. Select whether to Hide or Show the decision

Show Applicant's Application through Manage Applications

  1. Go to Manage Applications
  2. Select the applications that you wish to hide
  3. Click More
  4. Click Hide from Applicant

Show Applicant's Application through the Admin Application View

  1. Go to the Admin Application View of the application you wish to hide
  2. Click More
  3. Click Hide from Applicant

Through Applications

  1. Go to Manage Applications
  2. Select the applications that you wish to show.
  3. Click More
  4. Click Show Applicant

Through the Admin Application View

  1. Go to the Admin Application View of the application you wish to show
  2. Click More
  3. Click Show Applicant

If you wish to clear a recommendation from an application:

  1. Go to the Admin Application View of the application
  2. Go to the Applications tab
  3. Locate the recommendation
  4. If the recommender wishes to be completely removed, click on the More Options icon beside the Request, and click Reset Task 
    If the recommender wishes to remain as the recommender but wants to you to clear their form, click on More Options beside the form, click Delete

If you wish to make your applicants to your reviewers in the reviewer panel:

  1. Go to your Workflow
  2. Access the Review Stage Configurations
  3. Under the Visibility tab, disable the option for "Personal applicant information". This step will need to be taken for each review stage if applicable.
  4. Click to Save the stage. 

This setting will hide any personal information linked to the account of the applicant (First Name, Last Name, Email). This will have no effect on the name of the application. This will not hide the custom name of the application, if applicable, or any personal information provided within a form.

To ensure anonymity, set applications in your program to be identified by the application ID, as opposed to a custom name. For more information, refer to How do I change the way the Applications are titled? under Application FAQs

As described in General Settings: Overview, you can update the logo and favicon image within your site. In order to change one of these images:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on General
  3. Scroll down to the Theme section
  4. Click on Browse beside the image you wish to add/change
  5. Select and open the image from your computer
  6. Click Save

To can edit the name of your site as it appears on your Homepage:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click General
  3. Under Site Details, edit the Site Name Field
  4. Click Save

For detailed information on adding a Custom Domain, see How to Apply a Custom (Vanity) URL.

When users have a question, they can click on the information (i) icon within their account to contact the Primary Administrator (also referred to as the Site Owner)

To change the Primary Administrator:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Administrators
  3. Click on the More Options icon beside the administrator you wish to make the Primary Admin
  4. Click Set as Primary Administrator

Note: This change can only be made by the current Primary Administrator. Administrators will need to have accepted their invitation to become Primary Administrator. An administrator with a pending invite can't be set as the Primary Administrator.

If you need to make edits to a stage you can do this by entering the Stage Configurations. The configurations will vary depending on the stage type you are trying to edit. However, the steps to access the configurations will be the same.

In order to access the stage configurations:

  1. Go to your Workflow
  2. Click on the Name of the stage
    Hover your cursor over the stage and click on the More Options icon and then click Edit

If you are looking to launch your program, but aren't quite ready to show your applicants, or if you have a launched program and don't want to receive any more applications, you can hide your program.

To hide a program from the Applicant Portal:

  1. Go to the site dashboard
  2. Select the More Options icon in the top right corner of the program card
  3. Select Hide from applications

You will notice a new icon Hidden from Applicants appear in the top right corner of the program card. This indicates that the program is hidden from applicants in the Applicant Portal.

Based on your site package, you will have specific plan limits on the site. These limits are soft limits and won't restrict you when managing your site. However, when your site approaches renewal our Customer Success team will set up a conversation to discuss increasing your limits, if necessary.

For the Applicant and Reviewer limits, our CSM team will take into consideration Active Users from that subscription period. Therefore if an applicant hasn't created an application during the subscription period, they won't be considered.

If you would like to discuss increasing your plan limits, reach out to our customer success team at

See below for more in-depth definitions on each limit:

Plan LimitDefinition
Programs LaunchedA Program that has activity within the subscription period. Activity is considered applications created or submitted, follow up tasks completed, or reviews completed.
ApplicantsAn Applicant associated with (owner of) an application that has activity within the subscription period. Application activity includes creation, editing, or ranking.

NOTE: This total is based on the User accounts, and not on the total applications they've created. One user may have three applications, therefore they would be considered once in this total.
ReviewersA Reviewer that reviews 1 or more applications within the subscription period.
Plan LimitDefinition
Programs LaunchedA Program that has activity within the subscription period. Activity is considered applications created or submitted, follow up tasks completed, or reviews completed.
ApplicantsAn Applicant associated with (owner of) an application that has activity within the subscription period. Application activity includes creation, editing, or ranking.

NOTE: This total is based on the User accounts, and not on the total applications they've created. One user may have three applications, therefore they would be considered once in this total.
ReviewersA Reviewer that reviews 1 or more applications within the subscription period.