
SurveyMonkey Audience Design Guidelines

Buying responses through SurveyMonkey Audience? As you build your survey, follow these guidelines to make sure your order is a success. You should also read SurveyMonkey Audience Policies to check that your survey complies with our Acceptable Uses Policy.

Your survey must meet the following requirements and follow our Terms of Service in order to buy responses through SurveyMonkey Audience. If your survey doesn't meet these requirements, you'll need to fix your survey design before you can buy responses.

  • Require at least one question
  • Ask fewer than 80 questions
  • Don't add a quota
  • Check Skip Logic paths
  • Choose the right survey language
  • Don't ask for contact or personal information
  • Don't add File Upload questions
  • Don't add links or ask people to leave your survey
  • Don't edit your survey after you checkout
  • Don't ask minors to participate in your survey

You may see an error message if your survey doesn’t meet our requirements. Please follow the instructions to edit your survey to meet these requirements and send your survey through SurveyMonkey Audience.

While these guidelines aren't required, we've found that surveys that follow them are more likely to be engaging and get higher response rates.

  • Establish a clear goal for your survey
  • Limit Matrix/Rating Scale, Ranking, and open-ended questions
  • Avoid using Click Map questions
  • Create a short, simple survey
  • Write short introductions and consent statements
  • Keep videos short
  • Preview your images
  • Add "Other" as an answer option
  • Avoid too many answer choice options
  • Hide asterisks, titles, and progress bars
  • Turn off One Question at a Time
  • Use screening questions or disqualifying questions
  • Include demographic questions so you can filter your results
  • Preview and test your survey
  • Avoid using Block Randomization

Testing new concepts or ideas that you want to keep private? While we can't guarantee that survey-takers won't share info from your survey, follow these guidelines to make sure that information from your survey can't be traced back to your brand.

  • Remove direct references to your brand
  • Disqualify people who might be competitors
  • Avoid including a confidentiality statement