
SurveyMonkey offers a variety of question types so you can build a survey that collects the info you need. 

From the Design Survey section, click on Build to access all available question types and survey elements to help you manage your survey pages.

You can view an example of each question type by hovering over the question type in the Build section. You can click Learn more to view a help center article about that question type. If you don't want to see examples, hover over a question type and select Hide Builder tooltips.

After adding and saving a question, you can edit them at any time, but some editing limitations apply once the survey has already collected responses.

Question TypeDescription
Multiple ChoiceLet people choose a single answer from a list of answer choices.
CheckboxesLet people select multiple answers from your list of answer choices.
Comment BoxLet people respond with a longer, open-ended answer.
Single TextboxLet people respond with a short text or numerical answer. You can specify answer length, or require and validate a number value, date format, or email address.
TextInsert text into your survey design to provide extra context or description to your respondents.
Star RatingLet people evaluate a statement on a visual scale of stars, hearts, thumbs, or smilies.
DropdownProvide a dropdown list of answer choices and let people choose a single answer. This format offers a way to save space if you have a long list of answer options.
SliderLet people rate an item or statement on a numerical scale by dragging an interactive slider.
Multiple TextboxesCollect multiple short text or numerical answers with a single question. You can specify answer length, and require and validate a number value, date format, or email address.
Matrix/Rating ScaleLet people evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices. You can set the matrix question to collect multiple answers or only a single answer per row. You have the option to turn the matrix question into a rating scale if you want to assign weights to each answer choice.
RankingLet people rank a list of options in the order they prefer using numeric dropdown menus or drag-and-drop.
File UploadLet people attach a file with their survey response.
Matrix of Dropdown MenusLet people evaluate several items using the same set of measurements. They can choose an answer from a preset list of answer choices presented in a dropdown menu.
Best Worst Scale Let people select the best and worst option from a list of items. This lets you find out what respondents value.
Net Promoter® ScoreLet people measure their satisfaction with your organization, brand, product, or service. We'll calculate a NPS score automatically in the Analyze Results section.
Date/TimeLet people enter a specific date and/or time.
Text A/B TestLearn how people react to two or more different messages. Enter the text variables you want to compare, then specify the percentage of respondents who should see each message.
Image A/B TestLearn how people react to two or more different images. Provide the images to compare, then specify the percentage of respondents who should see each image.
Click MapGet feedback about an image by asking people to click on a part of your image.
Accepting PaymentsAdd a payment page to the end of your survey and accept payments through Stripe. You can either assign prices to a single question or charge a fixed price for your entire survey.
Name Let people provide a First name, Last name, Middle name, Title, and Suffix from a single question. 
Email Address Let people provide an email address.
Phone Let people provide phone numbers and extensions.
Address Let people provide a street address, city/town, state/province, zip/postal code, or country.
Image ChoiceLet people choose one or more image answers from your image answer choices.
ImageInsert an image into your survey by uploading an image file from your computer.

TIP! You can also add a New page, Page break, Intro page, or other survey elements to your survey from the Build section. Learn more: Adding and Managing Pages

The Question Bank contains hundreds of certified questions created by survey methodologists. Using the Question Bank's questions minimizes bias and gives you the most accurate responses to your survey questions.