Limitation: The SurveyMonkey for Salesforce integration setup is available in English only.
This is how SurveyMonkey questions and metadata can be mapped to Salesforce object fields.
SurveyMonkey Question or Metadata | Salesforce Field |
Multiple Choice question | Picklist or Text |
Checkbox question | Multi-select Picklist or Text |
Dropdown question | Picklist or Text |
Star Rating question | Create 2 fields:
Matrix/Rating Scale question | For each Matrix row, create 2 fields:
Matrix of Dropdown Menus | For each dropdown, create a Picklist or Text |
File Upload question | Files don't transfer to Salesforce. To see File Uploads, go to the Analyze Responses section in SurveyMonkey. |
Click Map question | Click Map data doesn't transfer to Salesforce. To see Click Map data, go to the Analyze Responses section in SurveyMonkey. |
Ranking question | For each answer choice, create a Number |
NPS question (create three fields):
Image Choice captions | Picklist or Text |
Slider question | Number |
Single Textbox question (consider your response input):
Multiple Textboxes question | 1 Text field per row |
Comment box question | Text area long or Text area rich |
Contact Information question (Demographic) | 1 Text per row |
Date/Time question:
Quiz score | Number |
Custom variables | For most custom variables, you can map to text, email, number, and picklist fields. The fields available depend on the content in your custom variable. |
Survey title | Picklist or Text |
Survey ID | Number (15 digits) |
Collector name | Picklist or Text |
Collector ID | Number (15 digits) |
Recipient ID | Number (15 digits) |
Response ID | Number (15 digits) |
Response status | Text (20) |
Response duration | Number |
Response creation date | Date |
Response modified date | Date |
Response edit URL | URL |
Response analyze URL | URL |
Response IP address | Text |
Recipient First Name (only available with the email collector) | Text |
Recipient Last Name (only available with the email collector) | Text |
Recipient Email (only available with the email collector) | Text |
Respondent Language | Text |