
Managing Seats on Your Enterprise Team

ENTERPRISE TEAMS: This article is for Enterprise teams. If you have Team Advantage or Team Premier, see Managing seats on your Team.

If you're a Primary Admin or Admin, you can invite people to join your team and manage existing seats from the My Team section of your account.

My Team is the central place to find your Enterprise team information. You can find it in the main navigation.

Under the Team Summary tab, Primary Admins and Admins get an overview of the team.

SeatAn account on the team that you've already paid for. There may be three seat types: Power seats , Contributor seats and Casual users.
Seats Used (or Filled seats)The accounts on your team that are already assigned to someone. This includes seats in the Active, Invited, or Reassignment pending status.
Seats Available (or Empty seats)The number of seats you've already paid for, but aren't being used yet. If you're interested in more Power seats, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Team Size (or Total seats)The sum of seats used and seats available. In other words, the total number of people who can be in, or invited to.
Team NameThe name of your team. The Primary Admin can update this at any time.
Team DescriptionUp to 250 characters describing your team to help others identify your team from others at the same company. The Primary Admin can update this at any time.
Primary AdminThe person who created the team—this person manages seats and team billing.
Account OwnershipThe person we consider the owner of the team.
Responses Monitor how many responses your team has collected so far.
Usage See user metrics over time (UTC).

Under the Add Users tab, you can send an email to invite people to fill available seats.

Enterprise teams can also see an option to create a team sign-up page where people in your organization can send invites to themselves to join. Teams with SSO enabled won't see either of these options and can send your team’s invite link to people.

To invite people to your team via email:

  1. Go to My Team.
  2. Select Add Users.
  3. Choose Send an email.
  4. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite. Enter multiple addresses separated by commas, or put each email address on its own line.
  5. Customize the email message.
  6. Select Send Invitations.

ENTERPRISE FEATURE: Team sign-up pages are only available to Enterprise customers.

You can activate a sign-up page and share the URL to allow people to join your team on their own. Anyone with the link can enter their email address to send themselves an invitation.

To create a sign-up page:

  1. Go to My Team.
  2. Select Add Users.
  3. Choose Use a sign-up page.
  4. In the Maximum signups field, enter a limit for how many people can sign up.
  5. Select Activate page.
  6. Copy the link and share it however you'd like.

You can manage your team sign-up page from the Add Users tab of My Team.

  • Monitoring Sign-Ups
  • Deactivating Your Sign-Up Page

Primary Admins and Admins can add or update their team's division, and custom role assignments by importing a CSV file.

View our example screenshot to see how to properly format your CSV file. Create a spreadsheet in an application like Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.

Make sure you set up your spreadsheet's first row with the following header fields: Username, Email, Role, Division (user), Division (admin).

Header from csv sheet that has A:1 = Username, B:1 = Email, C:1 = Role, D:1 = Division (user), E:1 = Division (admin)

Follow these guidelines when adding data to your spreadsheet:

  • Each User is on their own row
  • Username is required and matches what's in SurveyMonkey
  • The file can have up to 10,000 rows and is less than 5MB
  • Use commas to separate the division names if adding a User as a Division Admin of multiple divisions
  • For the Role column*, find the right role in this list and, in the cell, use the term next to it:
RoleCSV Term
Primary Adminaccount_owner
Division Admindivision_admin
Power Userregular
Casual Usercasual
Pending inviteunspecified

*For CSV Terms for customized roles, see Custom Roles.

Saving your CSV file You may be able to save your CSV file in various .csv formats and not all formats will save and import successfully. Try saving your file as either: CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) | MS-DOS Comma Separated

To import a CSV file:

  1. Go to the Manage Users tab.
  2. (Optional) Select Export CSV to download a complete list of users in your team and their account status.
  3. Select Import CSV.
  4. (Optional) Select Download example template to download a properly formatted CSV file that you can edit and re-import.
  5. Drag and drop or browse your computer to attach your CSV file.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Preview the first 5 rows of your CSV to confirm your data is in the right order and select Next.
  8. Once your import is finished select Download report to view the import status per user and any import errors. Once you dismiss the Import finished message, you won't be able to download the report.

Once your import is finished, you’ll be able to Download a report to view the import status for each row. If there are errors, you can fix them and re-import the file to try again.

If there's an Import Error it could be:

  • The data isn't formatted properly.
  • The columns aren't in the right order.
  • There's extra data in your spreadsheet.
  • There are more than 10,000 rows or your spreadsheet is over 5 MB.
  • The file needs to be saved in a different CSV format.
  • The spreadsheet includes more users than there are seats in your team.
  • You're changing a Power User to a Casual User more than one time within a 90 day time frame.
  • Why can't I invite more people?
  • Can team members see existing surveys?

You can manage pending team invitations sent via email from the Manage Users tab of My Team.

If someone has a pending invitation but you invite them to a different seat type, the most recent invitation will override the previous request.

  • Resending an Invitation
  • Canceling an Invitation

As the people you need to work with change, you can reassign or delete accounts from the Manage Users tab of My Team.

  • Reassigning an Account
  • Deleting an Account
  • Changing the Primary Admin
  • To enable Single Sign-On (SSO) when reassigning an Account

You can check the status of every account in your team from the Manage Users tab. Here's what each status means:

ActiveThis person has accepted their invitation to join your team.
InvitedThis person was invited to join the team, but hasn't accepted their invitation yet.
Reassignment PendingThis account is in the process of being reassigned to someone else. This means that the Primary Admin or an Admin sent an invitation to someone else to take over this account, but they haven't accepted the invitation yet.

Neither the original owner of the account, nor the new owner, will be able to access the account until the person to whom you reassigned the account accepts the invitation. If needed, you can reassign an account in this status to a different person.
Invitation ExpiredThis person was invited to join the team, but didn't accept the invitation within 30 days. Invitations expire within 30 days, but you can always resend the invitation to them.

TIP! To read about the different roles in a team, like Primary Admin, Full and Casual User, see Enterprise Team Seats, Roles and Permissions.