
ENTERPRISE FEATURE: If you're interested, contact sales. If you already have an Enterprise account, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

The seat and role on a team controls what account permissions you have and how you work together with your team. Admins can create custom roles that will give team members a more customized experience and will cater to specific types of seats on your Team. Custom roles can be used to provide more Admin support, give Users access to certain features or to limit permissions on the team.

Here's a basic overview of the default roles that can be assigned to seats on your Team.

Primary AdminThe Primary Admin is in charge of billing, and role assignments. There is only 1 Primary Admin per team.
AdminAdmins get most of the same permissions as the Primary Admin, including the ability to manage divisions, libraries, and roles.
UserUsers can create and share surveys using all the Enterprise features and tools. They can be assigned to one division and can create and share surveys using the assets in their library. They don't have permission to manage the team or divisions.

The Primary Admin can pick and choose permissions from the areas below to create a custom role. Each area will have several permissions or administrative functions that can be selected, and the created custom role may have a variety of permissions spread across all areas.

When selecting Admin to start your custom role from, you can see both general and, team and account management permissions to assign.

Team and Account Management Permissions
Manage usersInvite people to join the team and manage existing seats from the My Team section.
Team-wide setting
Set default options and permissions for the entire Enterprise team.
Manage Team Credits (Audience)Purchase and transfer credits from the Manage Credits tab in Enterprise Settings.
Team Library
Manage library shared assets including images, documents, templates, themes, and questions.
Division Management*Manage divisions for different departments, offices, clients, cost centers, or any other groups you want to manage separately or give unique branding assets.
Advanced access and permissionsView and export team activity log.
Delete responses in any account.
Remove offline devices.

*Only available for Enterprise plans that have Divisions as an add-on

If you select User to start from, you can only see and choose from general permissions.

General Permissions
Survey designManage user access to create and edit surveys.
Collect responsesSelect the collector types available for this user.
Analyze resultsManage user access to view, analyze and share data.

The Primary Admin will be able to create new roles and assign them to seats on the team. Once an Admin custom role is set up to allow management of roles and permissions, they will also be able to create and assign roles.

You can create as many custom roles as you need with a range of permissions.

  1. Go to My Team
  2. Click Settings
  3. Select Roles and permissions
  4. Click + Create role
  5. Choose a role to start from:
    • Admin
    • User
  6. Enter the Role name and Description (optional)
  7. Click Create
  • Duplicating a role

Once a custom role has been created, you are able to change the role and its permissions. All changes will automatically be updated to those within that custom role.

  1. Find the role you want to change and click the 3 dots (...)
  2. Choose Edit permissions.
  3. Review the Role name, Description, and permissions and make changes.
  4. Click Save.

TIP! Default roles can only be viewed or duplicated.

To better manage your custom roles, you can delete them when they aren't needed anymore.

  1. From the Roles and permissions page, find the role you want to remove and click the 3 dots (...)
  2. Choose Delete.
  3. When you are sure you want to proceed, select Delete role.

When you delete a custom role, any users with that custom role will be reassigned to the starter default role.

Now that custom roles are set up, you can start allocating seats on your teams to those roles. There are two ways in which you can assign a role, by selecting each seat individually or by CSV imports for multiples team members at a time.

  1. Go to My Team.
  2. Click Manage Users
  3. Select the user
  4. Click on Change next to role
  5. Choose a new user role from the dropdown.
  6. Click Save.

To adjust multiple roles and seats at once, follow the guidance for Importing Users by CSV.

For the Role column, find the right role in the list below. Then, in your CSV file, use the CSV term listed:

RoleCSV Term
Custom Admin nameadmin
Custom Power User nameregular

Admins can filter the team to easily see who on the team has default and custom roles.

  1. Go to My Team.
  2. Click Manage Users.
  3. Under Filters, select the Roles dropdown.
  4. Select Role
  5. Click Apply filters

When a filter is applied, the default roles are first listed at the top, followed by custom roles.