
Analyze Multiple Surveys in SurveyMonkey Data Studio

Beta feature: Data Studio is only available to some customers at this time.

Data Studio provides robust analysis tools to analyze multiple surveys in one place and track results from the same survey over time. With Data Studio, you can:

  • Analyze results from one or many surveys
  • Track key metrics over time (longitudinal analysis)
  • Add multiple visualizations for the same question

There are a few required permissions to view and create workspaces.

  • To analyze a survey in Data Studio, you need full access to the survey.
  • To view a shared dashboard in Data Studio, you need at least view only access to the surveys in the dashboard.
  • Unsupported Question Types
  • Unsupported Data Types

You can create a dashboard from scratch or from an existing survey.

To create a dashboard from scratch:

  1. From any page in SurveyMonkey, select Data Studio (Beta) in the top navigation bar.
  2. Select New Dashboard.
  3. Enter an optional Name and Description for your dashboard.
  4. Select any surveys you want to include in your dashboard. You can also search for surveys in the box above the survey list.
  5. Select Create Dashboard.

To create a dashboard from an existing survey:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey.
  2. Select Try in Data Studio (Beta).
  3. Review the charts for your survey. To edit the charts and add other surveys, select Create Dashboard.

Once you create your dashboard, you can make a few changes. You can:

  • Edit the title or description
  • Change the survey selection
  • Duplicate the dashboard
  • Delete the dashboard

To edit the dashboard title, click the title, then enter new text. Press Enter to save your title. 

To edit the description:

  1. Select the three dots menu next to the Add New Tile button.
  2. Select Edit title and description.
  3. Edit the title or description at the top of the page.
  4. Select Save And Close.

To change which surveys are included in your dashboard:

  1. Select the three dots menu next to the Add New Tile button.
  2. Select Edit survey selection.
  3. Choose the surveys to include or remove.
  4. Select Save And Close.

To duplicate your dashboard:

  1. Select the three dots menu next to the Add New Tile button.
  2. Select Duplicate Dashboard.
  3. Enter a name for your new dashboard.
  4. Select Yes, Duplicate. Your new dashboard has been created.

If you want to open your new dashboard, select Yes, Open in the confirmation message. To stay in the existing dashboard, select Cancel.

Permanently delete your dashboard. If you delete a dashboard, everyone will lose access to it.

To delete a dashboard:

  1. Select the three dots menu next to the Add New Tile button.
  2. Select Delete dashboard.
  3. In the confirmation message, select Yes, Delete.

You can review the responses for all questions included in your dashboard. To review responses, expand the tray on the right side of your dashboard. Select a response to view all of the answers the survey taker left on your survey.

A screenshot of the Expand icon, which is three lines with a left-facing arrow.

Tiles are the building blocks of your dashboard. You can create and customize charts using tiles, and rearrange them to compare, contrast, and combine your data.

There are several tile types you can use:

Tile typeDescriptionSupported question types
NPSVisualize Net Promoter® Score (NPS) over time; view the score distribution between Detractors, Passives, and Promoters; or, show the single score on your dashboard.Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Average scoreTrack the average score across rating questions. View how the score has changed over time, or view how the rating breaks down. This tile works great for Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) use cases.Rating
Single choiceReview responses from questions where survey takers had to choose a single option. View the distribution of answers to see how many people chose each option. You can merge answers in the chart if they use the same question text, or you can show each answer option separately.Multiple choice
Multi-choiceAnalyze results from questions where survey takers could choose multiple options. View how many times each answer option was chosen. You can merge answers in the chart if they use the same question text, or you can show each answer option separately.Checkboxes
Open text answersShow open text responses in a list view. The most recently submitted responses display at the top of the list.Comment Box
Single Textbox
Multiple Textboxes
SliderAnalyze results from the Slider question type. Track scores over time, or show just the average score. Slider
AnyShow results from any supported question type. Your visualization options will change depending on the question types you include.Any question type supported in Data Studio

To add a tile to your dashboard:

  1. From your dashboard, select Add New Tile.
  2. (optional) Enter a title and description for your tile at the top of the page.
  3. Choose the tile type you want to add.
    TIP! If you can’t remember the question type you wanted, or you want to choose from all of your survey's questions, choose the Any tile.
  4. Select Continue To Data.
  5. Choose which questions to include in the tile. The table shows all questions that can be included in the tile. You can also search for a specific survey name or question.
  6. After choosing the questions to include, select Continue To Visualization
  7. Choose the visualization you want to use. Then, set the Display options for the visualization you chose. The available display options may change for each tile type and visualization.
  8. Select Create Tile to add it to your dashboard.

Repeat these steps to add more tiles to your dashboard.

You can edit the title and description, change the visualization, and change the questions in your tile at any time. You can also delete a tile to permanently remove it from your dashboard.

You can’t change a tile’s type after adding it to your dashboard. To change the tile type, delete the tile and create a new one.

To edit a tile:

  1. Select the three dots on the top right of the tile.
  2. Choose an option:
    • To edit the title or description, select Edit title or description. After saving your changes, you may need to refresh your dashboard to see the new tile name.
    • To change the questions included in the tile, select Edit data.
    • To change the chart type or display options, select Edit visualization.

To delete a tile:

  1. Select the three dots on the top right of the tile.
  2. Select Delete tile. At the confirmation message, select Yes, Delete.

The tile is removed from your dashboard.

Move tiles to different places on your dashboard to display your data where you want it. You can put the most important visualizations at the top of your dashboard, or even put related tiles next to each other.

To rearrange tiles, drag a tile to a new spot on your dashboard. You can place tiles above, below, or next to other tiles.

Filters apply to all tiles on your dashboard. To add a filter:

  1. Next to the date range at the top of the page, select Add Filter.
  2. Choose what data type you want to filter by, such as NPS or Multi-Choice. The number next to the data type shows how many questions include that type of data.
  3. Choose the question to filter by.
  4. Set a rule for your filter. For example, for a Rating filter, you can choose Is any of to include certain scores in your filter, or choose Is not to exclude certain scores. 
  5. Select Apply to filter your data. 

TIP! In Average score, Single choice, and Multi-choice tiles, you can select an answer option to filter the dashboard by that answer.

You can export a single chart as a PNG at any time. 

If you’ve applied filters to your dashboard, your export will show the filtered data. Remove the filter to export the original data.

To export a chart:

  1. Select the three dots on the top right of the tile.
  2. Select Export Chart. The file type is set as PNG. 
  3. Enter a descriptive File Name so you can easily find your export later.
  4. Select Export. The export is saved to your computer.