You can store and organize your Contacts within SurveyMonkey and use the Email Invitation and Text Message collectors to send surveys to groups of your contacts.
SurveyMonkey doesn’t sell or use your contact’s email addresses for any reason other than to send your survey, as explained in our Privacy Notice.
To access your Contacts, log in and click your username in the top-right corner of your account.
Action | Description |
Create or edit a group | At the bottom of the left sidebar, click + Group. Enter a name and Save. To edit a group, click ... (three dots) to the right of the group to rename, copy, export, or delete the group. Adding contacts to a group allows you to easily add the contacts to an Email Invitation or Text message just by typing in the group name in the Send To field. |
Delete a group | Click the ... (three dots) to the right of a group in the left sidebar and select Delete group. Deleting a group doesn’t delete the contacts from Contacts entirely—the contacts still appear in All Contacts or any other groups you added them to. If the group is added to an Email Invitation that has messages scheduled or saved as drafts, the contacts will be removed from these messages. |
Add contacts to a group | From the All Contacts group, check the box next to one or more contacts. Click Add to Group and select an existing group. To add the contacts to multiple groups, click Add to Group again and select another group. |
Removing Contacts from Groups | Select a group from the left sidebar. Check the box next to the contacts you want to remove. Click Remove from Group. If you remove contacts from a group, the contacts remain in other groups you've assigned them to, as well as under All Contacts. |
Browse contacts | Scroll to the bottom of the contact list and use the left and right arrows to navigate. |
Find a specific contact | Use the search bar to find contacts. You may need to adjust the field you want to search within. At this time, you cannot search by domain, and there is no wildcard search available. |
Edit a contact | Click the contact's row from the list. A modal pops up where you can make changes. Edits you make to a contact are reflected in the Recipients tab in existing Email Invitations and Text Messages. |
Delete a contact | Select the All Contacts group and check the box next to the contact you want to delete. There's a button at the top of the contact table to Delete Permanently. This action only deletes their data from Contacts. If the contact was sent a survey invitation via email or text message, you may have to also delete the recipient's data from the collector and delete the individual's response to fully remove a recipient's personal data from your account. |
Export contacts to a CSV | Click the ... (three dots) to the right of a group in the left sidebar and select Export contacts. There's a limit is 10,000 contacts per export, so you may need to organize your contacts into smaller groups and export the groups separately. |
Once you have more than 500,000 contacts, you aren't able to sort by email, name, or other field.
If you add or import an email address that bounced or opted out, the contact is automatically added to an Opted Out or Bounced group. These contacts also appear in colored font in the contact list.
Contacts are unique to your account. When sharing surveys, you can only send email invitations to email addresses stored in your Contacts—you can't access contacts belonging to other members of your team.