
TEAMS FEATURE: Sharing surveys is only available to some customers on some team plans.

New Homepage Beta: If you’re seeing the new homepage experience things may look a bit different but we encourage you to try it out. If you don’t find the features you’re looking for, you can click the New Homepage toggle to access My Surveys.

You can share surveys with people on or outside your team if you have an Enterprise account or a Full Access seat on a team. You can see which plan you have in My Account.

Your plan type determines:

When a survey is shared, people are granted permissions to each section of the survey.

A team member's seat determines the default access level assigned to them. But survey owners may be able to edit someone's survey permissions or stop sharing at anytime.

When a survey is shared with people outside your team, the most access they can have is View Only.

Your surveys are private to your account unless:

  • Your account or team-wide share settings have been set to share your surveys with your team
  • You choose to share them with others

At any time, you can check whether your surveys are shared along with who they're shared with.

Depending on your plan, there are different ways survey owners and teammates can share surveys—expand the sections below to learn more.

  • Share a single survey
  • Share multiple surveys
  • Share surveys with your entire team
  • Resharing surveys

We send an email notification to anyone you share a survey with. To access the survey, they can select Open Survey to log in or sign up for an account. The account email address needs to match the one the survey was shared with.

A shared survey remains available in your account until you remove it, it's deleted by the survey owner, or the survey owner either removes you from accessing the survey or transfers the survey to someone outside of the team.

You can see all surveys in your account from My Surveys. We automatically create folders for shared surveys so you can easily find them.

If you have shared surveys, you can select Shared by you or Shared with you to see who else the survey is shared with and what permissions each person has.

If the person you're sharing the survey with is logging in with the new login process, and has multiple accounts, they'll choose the account that the survey is shared with.

People outside of the team don't have visibility into who else a survey is shared with.

When a survey is shared, survey owners may be able to edit permissions to change the level of access a person has to each section of the survey or stop sharing the survey completely. Depending on how your Primary Admin set up sharing for your team, you may not be able to edit these settings.

  • Edit permissions
  • Remove permissions

Depending on your plan, you may be able to adjust how people share or reshare surveys.

If you're part of a Team Advantage or Team Premier plan, when you create a new survey or copy an existing survey, Share this survey with my team may be automatically selected depending on your account and team-wide settings. 

Keep the option checked to give view-only or full access, depending on the settings. Some survey owners are able to uncheck this option and not share with their team.

  • Applying team-wide share settings (for Primary Admins)
  • Applying account-wide share settings (for survey owners)

If you’re part of an Enterprise plan, team surveys are not shared with anyone unless the survey owner chooses to.

Choosing team-wide resharing setting (for Primary Admin)

Primary Admins can choose a team-wide setting that determines whether survey owners have the option to enable resharing. Resharing is turned off by default and can be adjusted by following these steps.

  1. Go to Settings under My Team.
  2. Select Manage sharing.
  3. Select On to allow survey owners to give others permission to reshare their survey with more people, or Off so that only survey owners can share.

If you are trying to access a survey you don’t have permission for, you can send a message directly to the survey owner by selecting Request Access. The survey owner will then review your request.

TIP! Once you receive permission, click on Open survey in the email to open up the Survey preview. You'll then be able to see the survey under My Surveys.

After you join a team, you may already have shared surveys in your account. If you don't, ask the Primary Admin and teammates to share surveys so you can access your team's existing surveys.

People on the same team can request more access to a specific section of a survey that's shared with them.

To request more access:

  1. Go to My Surveys and open the survey you want a higher level of access to.
  2. From the Design Survey, Collect Responses, or Analyze Results section select the dropdown that shows your current access level in the upper-right corner (for example, No Access or View Only). You'll see a list of each section of the survey and your current level of access.
  3. Next to the section you want more access to, select Request Access.

The survey owner will get an email about the request and can choose to change your access levels. There's no way to request a specific level of access—it's up to the survey owner to decide what level of access they give you.