
Benchmark data comes from SurveyMonkey customers who used Question Bank questions in their surveys. Organizations of all shapes and sizes use Question Bank, like local coffee shops, schools, and Fortune 500 companies.

  • To calculate a SurveyMonkey Global Benchmark for each question, we (1) find an average response for each individual survey, then (2) add up those individual scores to generate an average across all surveys.
  • We categorize responses into comparison groups based on factors like industry, size, and location to provide more targeted benchmarks. To focus on a particular segment of the SurveyMonkey Global Benchmark, you can buy Industry Benchmarks that only contain the responses from these comparison groups.
  • To preserve privacy, responses for a given question are aggregated and de-identified to create a set of average statistics about that question—we don't disclose any individual responses, personal information, or organization names.
  • Benchmark data is refreshed quarterly (every 3 months).

TIP! You can buy Industry Benchmarks to help you narrow down the types of organizations included in a benchmark, like country, organization size, or industry.

When using SurveyMonkey, you may be asked to provide some profile information about yourself or your organization, such as your organization name or the industry you work in. Profile information allows us to:

  • Customize your experience using Question Bank by showing you suggested questions.
  • Create benchmarks from aggregated information about your Question Bank responses.
  • Show you relevant benchmarks for certain Question Bank questions. You may be required to provide profile information in order to access certain benchmarks.

You can edit your profile info anytime.

To edit your profile:

  1. Go to My account.
  2. Scroll to General Preferences to find Profile.
  3. Edit the info about your survey intent and select Next.
  4. Select the types of surveys you want to send and select Next.

You can also Delete your profile info at anytime.

If you're part of a team, you can share surveys with others.

  • People with Full Access permissions can view all benchmarks (free or paid) on surveys shared with them.
  • People with View Only access can only see the SurveyMonkey Global Benchmark on surveys shared with them.
  • People don't need to complete their profile to view benchmarks on surveys shared with them.

Benchmark data collected from Question Bank questions being used in shared surveys is attributed to the profile information in the survey owner's account, not to accounts a survey is shared with.

If benchmarks are enabled in your account, survey responses to Question Bank questions you have used may be included in benchmarks on a de-identified and aggregated basis. You'll also be able to access benchmarks on eligible questions.

You can opt out of contributing your responses to benchmarks. If you disable benchmarks, your survey responses will be excluded from the benchmarks the next time the system refreshes them—typically every week. Additionally, you'll no longer be able to view benchmarks if you haven't purchased benchmarks.

To exclude your data from benchmarks:

  1. Log in and go to My Account.
  2. Scroll to the Data Features section.
  3. Click Edit next to Access to Benchmarks.
  4. Select Off.
  5. Click Save.

For additional information about how we handle your personal information and data, please see our Privacy Notice.