
Essentials feature: Available on Essentials, Pro, and Ultimate plans.

View your mappings history to see if your mappings have failed and learn how to resolve the issue. You can use the mappings history to test your mappings before launching a survey or to find out why survey data isn’t appearing on a ticket.

To view any failed mappings:

  1. From your survey, select Mappings > Zendesk Custom Mappings.
  2. Find the mapping you want to view, then select View History.
  3. Any failed mappings display in a table with the following information:
    • Status: Shows if the mapping failed.
    • Ticket ID: The Zendesk ticket we attempted to map a response to.
    • Date and time: Date and time when the mapping failed.
    • Error: Reason the mapping failed.
    • Suggested action: Steps to take to resolve the failure.
    • View response: Select to view the response that wasn’t mapped correctly.

These are the recommended actions to resolve Zendesk mapping failures.

Mapping error DescriptionSuggested action
Failed connectionThe API token for the Zendesk connection is invalid.Enter a new API token for your Zendesk connection.
Ticket already closedThe Zendesk ticket is closed and can't be updated with survey data.End survey access earlier when creating your Zendesk Automation.
Missing connectionThe live survey isn't connected to Zendesk.Add a live connection for your survey.
Wrong data typeData was mapped to a field that uses a different data type (ex. Mapping short answer to a number field).Map to a field that accepts the correct data type.
Ticket not found GetFeedback can't find the ticket used for the mapping. Use the same connection to send your survey and map responses.
Ticket missing from responseThe ticket ID wasn't included as a placeholder when sending the survey. Include the ticket ID when sending your survey using a link.
UnknownThe error cause can't be determined. Contact