
Viewing and Managing Responses

View and manage responses sent through your web feedback button. The data shown on each response depends on your button settings and the custom variables included on your form.

To get an overview of all responses instead, you can use the Dashboard or analyze data in Workspaces.

To view responses left through a web button:

  • In, select Feedback in the Buttons & Forms section.
  • You see a full list of feedback left through your web buttons. To open a detailed view, select the feedback item you want to view.

Any feedback left on your website is updated immediately in GetFeedback. Each feedback item contains the following information.

  • Emotional rating
  • A comment, if provided
  • E-mail address, if provided
  • Tags, if provided
  • An NPS, if provided
  • Perceived website speed (slow, medium or fast)
  • Highlighted element on the website
  • Screenshot of the web page
  • HTML code of the element the user selected
  • The URL
  • Browser(version)
  • Operating system
  • Browser viewport
  • Date / time
  • Location (based on the user's IP address)
  • IP address
  • Web page loading time, if available
  • Custom variables
  • Public link to the feedback item for internal sharing purposes

The amount of personal data you collect depends on how you set up your feedback button. Some data is always collected, but other other data is optional and depends on how you configure the service through the customer portal. Make sure to set up your solution with the data you want to collect in mind.

Below, you can find an overview of what data is collected by our different services.

When your users provide input through this service, this information will always be collected:

  • Operating system
  • Device type
  • Browser type and version.
  • Viewport or screen size
  • Browser language
  • Page load time (Page load time is determined using the browser’s Navigation Timing API)
  • URL
  • Referrer (In-Page product only)
  • Total time spent on the page or in a campaign (campaigns and In-Page only)

You can configure the service to also collect the following information:

  • The user's location
  • IP address
  • Email address
  • Scores and responses to the questions you have defined in your feedback forms
  • Any custom variables you include as part of the implementation on your website(s)
  • HTML of (part of) the webpage and the resulting screenshot

When your users provide input through this service, this information will always be collected:

  • Operating system
  • Browser type and version
  • Viewport or screen size
  • Browser language

You can configure the service to also collect the following information:

  • The user's location
  • IP address
  • Email address
  • Scores and responses to the questions you have defined in your feedback forms
  • Any custom variables you include as part of the implementation into your emails

A custom variable is supplemental information that you have already gathered about your respondents or your platform. You can use custom variables to pass this information into GetFeedback and include it in feedback items and campaign results. Depending on the service, these custom variables can be provided through JavaScript (websites), through the mobile apps SDK (apps) or via variables in the URL (email).

Tip: In some cases, you'll want to hide or exclude specific parts of the web page from the screenshots that are created. In the Advanced Setting of your feedback button, you can easily set the hiding privacy sensitive information.

Bulk actions allow you to change the status, add a label, add a star, archive, or delete multiple feedback items at once.

To manage feedback using bulk actions in, select Feedback under Buttons & Forms.

To select the feedback items to manage, hover over the mood rating on a feedback item and check the box. Repeat to select multiple items.

Once you select your feedback items, you can perform actions.

  • Scroll to the top of the screen.
  • Select Actions, then select the action to perform. You can perform the following actions to multiple feedback items:
    • Label your items
    • If you label feedback often, consider using auto labeling to automatically apply labels to feedback with certain keywords.
    • Mark as new
    • Mark as read
    • Mark as archived
    • Star
    • Unstar
    • Delete