The library is where team members can find and use shared assets to create surveys. These shared assets include images, documents, templates, themes, and questions.
Primary Admins and Admins can add or manage items in the team library and set default assets to be automatically added to new surveys that teammates create. To review access levels for other roles, see Team Roles or Enterprise Team Roles.
If your Enterprise team has Divisions, you can also access division libraries that have additional survey controls.
Primary Admins and Admins can add new items to the library.
To add a new item to the library:
Type | Size | Format |
Image | 2 MB or less | JPG, PNG, or GIF |
Document | 16 MB or less | DOC, DOCX, or PDF |
Presentation template | 2 MB | PPTX |
In the Library, Primary Admins and Admins can manage existing items by clicking the three dots to the right of the item and choosing an action from the menu. The actions available depend on the item type.
Action | Description |
Edit details | Change the title (Name) and description of the item to give more context to team members when they visit the library. |
Remove | Remove the item from your library. This doesn't affect any surveys that already use that item. If you remove a theme or template, the custom theme or survey it's based on will remain in your account. |
Download | Download images and documents to your computer. |
Preview | Preview images and documents in the library. To preview a document, download it to your computer. To preview a template, choose Edit details and click Preview Survey under the survey details. |
Set as default | Set a default logo or theme, or presentation template to survey's your team creates. |
Primary Admins and Admins can set defaults to be used in all new surveys the team creates.
TIP! First add items to the Library, to then use them as the team default setting.
To manage default assets:
*Enterprise only.
If you're interested in these Enterprise-only features, get in touch with our sales team. Existing customers, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).
When adding a new image, theme, CSS theme, or presentation template, select the default option to have it applied to all new surveys in your team.
To set an existing asset as a default, click the three dots to the right of the item and select the default option.
When a default is set for the team and someone creates a new survey, the default item is automatically applied. Existing surveys aren't changed.
If your Enterprise team has access to Divisions, your Admins may have restricted access to remove or edit default items.
To use items from the library in surveys, select My Team from the main navigation and then Library to browse, preview, or download library items.
For instructions on how to use each type of item in the library, see the relevant section below.
ENTERPRISE FEATURE: Only available on some Enterprise plans. If you're interested, contact sales. If you already have an Enterprise account, contact your Customer Success Manager.
When your team has Divisions—sub-groups within your team that can be managed independently of one another—each division can have its own division library with its own set of assets. A division library allows each division to have unique assets that are different from the assets in the team library and other divisions.
Division members can use the assets from the team library or their division library, which ensures all surveys meet either the team's or division’s unique branding needs.
The assets that team members can see, manage, and use depend on their role, if they belong to a division, and whether those assets have additional default settings or restrictions. Only the Primary Admin and Admin have full access to view, add, and manage the team library and all division libraries.
Primary Admins and Admins can: | Division Admins can: | Users can: |
View, add, or manage assets in the team library (as described earlier in this article) or any division library Click a division name to view the assets in that division library and set defaults for that division Set team and division defaults Allow Division Admins to override the asset settings for their division Create surveys without any restrictions | View assets from the team library View, add, or manage assets for the division libraries they manage Click a division name to view the assets in that specific division library Set defaults for the divisions they manage, if given permission by the Primary Admin Create surveys using the assets they have permission to use from the team library or division libraries they manage | View the assets from the team library and division library, if they are assigned to a division Create surveys using the assets they have permission to use from the team library or division library |