We’ve become aware of scams such as job offers, fake coupons, or checks that say they’re sponsored by SurveyMonkey. These are not from us—they’re sent by scammers using our name to trick people into sending money or personal info.
Our legal team is aware of the illegal use of the SurveyMonkey name and have contacted the appropriate authorities to track down these perpetrators.
We urge you to keep an eye out and help report any illegal scams that you come across. Each section below provides you with links to report different types of scams. Contact us if you think you found a scam not mentioned on this page.
We’re aware of fraudulent advertisements and phishing emails, posing as SurveyMonkey, that ask people to take part in paid research opportunities—usually for weekly payments. They encourage people to visit websites, take screenshots, or download content to participate in research for payment. This is a scam and isn’t offered by SurveyMonkey. We’re not currently soliciting participation in this type of paid research on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.
Our legal and security teams are aware of these scams and working with authorities.
Scammers have posed as SurveyMonkey HR representatives to try and obtain personal or banking information from individuals. These scams aim at getting your banking information by asking you to wire money, or buy electronic equipment online. As a general rule, do not wire money to anyone you don’t know personally!
Report the scam to the FBI: FBI - Internet Crime Complaint Center
If you're located in Canada, report the scam here: Canada — Reporting Fraud
If the scammer contacts you with a Gmail email address, report their email account to Google’s abuse team: Google Gmail Abuse
No, the check and letter you received are not from SurveyMonkey, but from scammers impersonating the SurveyMonkey name. This is part of a known scam called the Counterfeit Check-Facilitated “Mystery Shopper” scam. You can learn more about it at the following links:
We don't operate any "mystery shopper" jobs. The phone number and fax number you've been provided aren't ours, and the people who answer the number, if you choose to call, are not SurveyMonkey employees.
We are aware of dozens of people who have been targeted by this scam. If you're a recipient, please contact your local law enforcement officers, the U.S. postal inspector, and your bank to warn them of the fraud.
Check out these examples of counterfeit checks that have included in these scam packages.
As counterfeit checks, they will bounce if you attempt to deposit them.
Report the scam packages to the U.S. postal inspector: USPS Mail Fraud Complaint Form
If the scam package came from Canada, report it here: Canada—Reporting Fraud
No, don't try to redeem that coupon.
While we allow our users to offer their own coupons, SurveyMonkey itself does not provide coupons to survey respondents or customers.
We've seen a number of fake coupons being circulated that claim to be powered by SurveyMonkey or provided in exchange for responding to a SurveyMonkey survey, particularly in the context of fast food restaurants, nutritional supplement discounts, and Visa gift cards. These coupons are not valid and have used the SurveyMonkey name and logo without permission to trick people into thinking they are real.
If a coupon has our logo on it, but claims to be redeemable at another company, it's a scam. Here are some example of scam coupons.
They are counterfeits and won't be accepted if you try to use them.
Phishing is the attempt by scammers to obtain sensitive, personal information (such as your usernames, passwords, credit card details, etc.).
If you come across a survey that's phishing for this type of info, don't fill it out. To help you identify what is appropriate survey behavior, check out our Acceptable Uses Policy.
I found a phone number online for SurveyMonkey customer support. Is this SurveyMonkey?
Scammers have posted phone numbers online posing as SurveyMonkey customer support. When called, scammers try to obtain sensitive, personal, or billing information from individuals.
SurveyMonkey does not list a support phone number online—you can contact us from our Help Center.
Social Media Paid Studies & Research Scams