
As a global company headquartered in the United States, SurveyMonkey takes steps to ensure we're in compliance with applicable export control regulations. Pursuant to our company policy, our services are not available in the following countries and regions (collectively, the “Prohibited Jurisdictions”):

  • Cuba 
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Sudan 
  • Syria
  • Crimea region 
  • The Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions of Ukraine
  • Russia 
  • Belarus 

Respondents attempting to access surveys from a device in a Prohibited Jurisdiction will be blocked and receive an error message.

The information provided on this page applies to all SurveyMonkey products, including but not limited to: SurveyMonkey Audience, GetFeedback, Wufoo and TechValidate.