Receive Survey Transfers
New Homepage Beta: If you’re seeing the new homepage experience things may look a bit different but we encourage you to try it out. If you don’t find the features you’re looking for, you can click the New Homepage toggle to access My Surveys.
Transferring moves the entire survey, including collectors and responses to a different account and removes it from your account. The survey is also removed from your account unless the survey is already shared with your team.
You can transfer one or more surveys from your account to another paid account, as long as both accounts store data in the same data center. It isn't possible to transfer surveys across data centers.
Before you transfer your surveys, understand what to expect when you transfer shared or live surveys, or surveys with respondent authentication enabled.
The transferred surveys are removed from your account immediately, unless the survey was already shared with your team, and it may take a few minutes for them to appear in the account you sent them to. Transferring a single survey won't be logged in your transfer history and notifications aren't triggered.
To transfer a single survey from My Surveys:
To transfer a single survey from the new homepage:
Bulk Survey Transfer
Before you transfer your surveys, understand what to expect when you transfer shared or live surveys, or surveys with respondent authentication enabled.
The transferred surveys are removed from your account immediately, if they aren’t already shared with your team, and it may take a few minutes for them to appear in the account you sent them to.
To transfer one or more surveys:
If you’re transferring a large number of surveys, they may temporarily appear disabled in My Surveys until the transfer is completed. You can't edit or manage surveys that are being transferred.
You can't transfer surveys that:
PAID FEATURE: Notifications and transfer history are only available to customers on some paid plans.
We send email notifications whenever multiple surveys are transferred at once. Here’s what each person will get:
Notification | Account transferring surveys | Account receiving surveys |
The transfer has begun | ✅ | ❌ |
There were issues with the transfer | ✅ | ❌ |
Surveys were transferred to your account | ❌ | ✅ |
To see all the surveys you've transferred in bulk within the last 30 days, go to My Surveys and select View transfer history. This list won't include surveys you've transferred individually or surveys that have been transferred to you.
You can only transfer surveys that you own. If you transfer a shared survey to another account on your team, the survey will continue to be shared with the same people.
If you transfer a shared survey to an account outside of your team, people will lose access to the survey.
Open surveys, also known as live surveys, continue to collect responses while they're transferred to the new account.
If Respondent Authentication is turned on, the option stays on when you transfer the survey to another account in your team.
If you transfer a survey with Respondent Authentication turned on to an account outside of your team, Respondent Authentication is disabled. Anyone that opens the link will see a survey closed message.