
Exporting an Individual Question


Paid feature
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To export a summary of an individual question:

  1. Click the Analyze Results tab of your survey.
  2. Find the question you want to export.
  3. In the top right corner of the chart, select Save As.
  4. Select Question summary data.
  5. Choose the format and any special options.
  6. Select Export.

To export all the raw data of an individual question, export your results with a Show rule applied:

  1. Click the Analyze Results tab of your survey.
  2. From the left sidebar, click +Show.
  3. Select the question you'd like to include in the Show rule.
  4. Click Apply. Only the selected question will show in the results summary on the right side of the page.
  5. To export that question, in the upper-right corner, click Save As at the top of the page.
  6. Click Export file.
  7. Choose All responses data.
  8. In the Export Survey Data prompt, choose an export format.
  9. Click Export.