In this article

This article only applies to Optimizely X. If you’re using Optimizely Classic, contact GetFeedback support.

If you use Optimizely to perform A/B tests on your website, user feedback can add valuable insights to these A/B tests.

By integrating Optimizely and GetFeedback for Web, you'll be able to segment and analyze GetFeedback feedback items or campaign results according to your Optimizely experiments. You'll also be able to compare feedback from different test variations within one experiment.

Use the Optimizely X Javascript API to access information about current Optimizely experiments or personalization campaigns and their variations. Then, send these to GetFeedback through custom variables with the script below. This script needs to run after the regular GetFeedback for Websites button script has been loaded.

The below image shows a short excerpt of the code. View the complete code here.

Image showing code that sets up the optimizing x integration.

After setting up your integration, the Optimizely experiment or variation name and ID will be added to every GetFeedback feedback or campaign result from a page where Optimizely is running. The following data will be shown:

  • Active experiments running on a page where a user gave feedback.
    • If an experiment or variation has an name: Optimizely_Experiment_Name: 'experiment'.
    • If an experiment or variation has no name, the ID will be shown.
Example of the Optimizely experiment or variation name and ID added to GetFeedback feedback.

With this added data, you'll be able to filter and segment your feedback items or campaign results according to Optimizely experiments.