Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is data left by a respondent that can be used to identify them. PII can include a person’s full name, address, and more.
Open-text field masking is only available for web feedback buttons, web and app campaigns, and in-app forms. In-Page widgets are not yet supported.
You’ll need a few things to start masking personal information:
Hide certain personal information from our servers and respondent screenshots, such as identities or bank details.
To access your web button’s privacy settings:
Determine what kind of data to store when someone submits feedback.
You can mask elements, text, and attributes in screenshots. You'll need basic HTML and CSS knowledge.
There are 3 types of masking you can set up:
If you only have 1 element or want to define several individual elements, you can use the element ID or element selector to mask data.
To use an element ID to mask elements:
If the element you want to mask doesn’t have a specified ID, you can use the selector instead. To use the selector:
Don’t add a # or any other symbols to the selector after pasting it in the fields.
If you have several elements under the same class name, define masking for all of them by using the class name.
In your button’s Advanced settings, enter a full stop ( . ), then paste the class name.
To use the Data Masking feature in GetFeedback for Web, you'll need to enable it with a JavaScript command. The easiest way to do this is by adding the setDataMasking JavaScript command below to your Button Code.
Regular Expression (RegEx): A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. This pattern is used to find specific keywords, numbers, or other characters in an input field.
Mask personally identifiable information (PII) in open text fields, by including a set of regexes. By default, GetFeedback for Web provides you with regexes for email addresses and numbers with 4 digits or more. You can add custom regex as well.
To use data masking with regular expressions, create a JS snippet with a variable called masks containing an array of regex patterns. Then, set the array as an argument to the setDataMasking command.
When the DataMasking feature finds a match, the matching data will be masked with 'X's. This masking happens in the visitor’s browser before that data is sent to the server. This ensures PII data is not transmitted with the feedback you collect.
Here is an example of how to use RegEx expressions for data masking. This example shows how to mask Dutch zip codes that have 4 numbers and 2 letters.
This RegEx will mask any matched content in open text fields in your forms and campaigns. By default, the GetFeedback App SDK provides you with RegExes for email addresses and numbers with 4 digits and more.
You can include your own RegEx as well. For example, you can create a RegEx to mask Dutch zip codes that consist of 4 numbers and two letters. Once you create your custom RegEx, implement it in the SDK. It's also possible to include multiple RegExes.
PII will be masked with a character you can define yourself. By default, the matched content will be masked with 'X's. However, you can mask content with '#'s, '*'s, or any other character. Make sure to define this character in the SDK.
The examples below show the code we have created for the masking feature.
The RegEx part is identified below in bold:
The character used to mask the matched content is identified below in bold:
The full code to mask PII is included on our Github pages. Share these links with your developers so they can implement data masking in your app.