
SurveyMonkey for Salesforce: Measuring Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Get the integration! SurveyMonkey for Salesforce is an Enterprise add-on. Contact Sales or your Customer Success Manager (CSM). Limitation: The integration setup is only available in English.

If you use our Salesforce integration, you can measure customer satisfaction (CSAT) score and report on the results in Salesforce. Learn more about the SurveyMonkey for Salesforce integration.

CSAT helps you understand a customer’s experience with a specific interaction or transaction, such as contacting support or making a purchase. You can use CSAT with other metrics to understand the full customer experience with your brand. 

The CSAT question looks like the example below:

Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with our company?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Somewhat Satisfied
  • Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
  • Somewhat Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

This guide helps you calculate and report your CSAT scores in Salesforce. Use these formulas to calculate the CSAT score from your surveys and build reports and dashboards in Salesforce.

Calculate CSAT as a percentage of satisfied responses (people who selected 4 or 5). Satisfied scores are a more accurate predictor of customer retention.

To calculate CSAT score:

  1. Take the number of respondents who answered 4 and 5.
  2. Divide that number by the total number of survey responses.
  3. Multiply by 100 to see the percentage of satisfied customers.

The formula for CSAT scores looks like this: (Number of satisfied customers (4 and 5) / Number of survey responses) x 100 = % of satisfied customers

Example: 500 people responded to a CSAT survey. 68 were Very Satisfied (score 5), and 74 were Somewhat Satisfied (score 4).

  • Add the number of Satisfied and Somewhat Satisfied responses to get 142.
  • Divide 142 by the total number of responses (500). You get .284 .
  • Multiply .284 by 100 to get 28.4%. This is your CSAT score.
  • The equation would look like this: (142 / 500) x 100 = 28.4%

You can track CSAT scores in Salesforce to include them in dashboards and reports. There are a few steps to complete to set up CSAT in Salesforce:

  1. Create your CSAT survey.
  2. (Optional) Create a survey object in Salesforce.
  3. Map your survey to the survey object.
  4. Send your survey to start collecting responses.
  5. Create a CSAT report in Salesforce with a summary formula.

Create a survey with a 5-point scale question. There are 2 ways to build this question:

  • Use a Matrix/Rating Scale question type, and select the checkbox to Make this a single-row rating scale. This will add weights to each answer option.
  • Use a Multiple Choice question type and enable scoring.

Your question should include the following answer choices:

  • Very Satisfied (score = 5)
  • Somewhat Satisfied (score = 4)
  • Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied (score = 3)
  • Somewhat Dissatisfied (score = 2)
  • Very Dissatisfied (score = 1)

You can also use a CSAT survey template to quickly build a CSAT survey.

Create a custom object to hold CSAT responses from your survey. You’ll map survey responses to this object using the Salesforce integration. If you already have a survey object, make sure you have fields to hold your CSAT score (ex: 5) and the label (ex: Very Satisfied).

When creating your survey object:

  • Include a field for every survey question/answer you want to map to Salesforce.
  • Use our field mapping guide to understand which field types you need to include on your object.
  • Include a field for each custom variable in your survey.

In the SurveyMonkey Salesforce integration, map your survey to your survey object in Salesforce. Use our field mapping guide to understand which field types you can map responses to.

When you finish creating mappings, send your survey using the methods available in the Salesforce integration. You can either:

When someone takes your survey, their responses will be mapped to Salesforce. You can then create reports and dashboards to track CSAT in Salesforce.

In SurveyMonkey, you can always view your responses in the Analyze Results section of your survey. Review question summaries, track data trends over time, or drill into individual responses

However, if you create reports in Salesforce, you can group customers by CSAT score. You can use this data to quickly find unsatisfied customers.

SurveyMonkey can’t consult on coding issues in your Salesforce environment. Reach out to your Salesforce administrator for help implementing these formulas. These examples help you get started with our Salesforce integration, and you may need to make changes for your organization.

To report on CSAT scores in Salesforce:

  1. Create a custom report type in Salesforce for your survey object. You’ll use this report to calculate your CSAT score.
  2. Create a new Salesforce summary report using your new report type. You can choose to summarize CSAT by Survey Name, or filter the report to only show specific Surveys.
  3. Write a summary formula in your report to calculate your score. The formula below is an example of a CSAT calculation formula. Make sure to update the formula with the correct object name and field names based on how it’s been set up in your environment.
    We recommend selecting Grand Total Only when applying the formula.

Your survey respondents will be grouped by score on the report.
