
If you're a Primary Admin or Admin of an Enterprise team, the User Report gives you more visibility into your team's activity.

  • View account details like the number of surveys each user has in their account, and the date they were last active.
  • Preview the surveys in each account to better understand how people on your team are using SurveyMonkey.

To get to the User Report:

  1. Select My Team from the main navigation.
  2. Select User Report.

The User Table lists all the users on your team, and the following usage metrics about each account:

EmailThe email address associated with the user's account.
UsernameThe username of the account.
First nameThe first name of the user, from their My Account page.
Last nameThe last name of the user, from their My Account page.
Last activeThe last time the user logged in, edited a survey, or a survey in their account received a response.
Active surveysThe number of surveys in the user's account that were modified within the selected date range. This number includes surveys created by other people on the team and shared with this user.
ResponsesThe number of responses the user's account has collected within the selected date range. All responses, including ones you delete or transfer out, count towards the total number of responses collected within the survey owner's account.
All time responsesThe total number of responses across all surveys that remain in this account. The date filter doesn’t apply to this column.
Last activeThe last time (UTC) the user logged in, or a survey within the account was modified.
Shared surveysThe number of surveys shared with or by this user.
Joined onThe date the user joined the team.
SSO*Shows if this user logs in with single sign-on (SSO).
Seat typeThe user's seat type. Either Power or Casual.
RoleThe user's role on the team. See: Enterprise team seats, roles and permissions.
DivisionsThe users' division (only available on teams with Divisions enabled).
Department*The user's department, as defined in your company's Identity Provider.
Cost Center*The cost center associated with the user, as defined in your company's Identity Provider.

*Only available on Enterprise teams with SSO enabled.

  • Filtering the Report
  • Searching the Report
  • Exporting Account Reports
  • Setting up Display Columns
  • Setting the Date Range

In the User Report, you can see the surveys created by people on your team and help manage those surveys. You can easily transfer a survey from one account to another, share surveys on behalf of others, or delete surveys. For more information on survey management, see Manage your Team's Surveys.

To view a list of surveys in a specific account:

  1. Go to the User Report page.
  2. Click on the Email address of the user whose surveys you'd like to see.

When you view someone’s surveys, you can see how many surveys the user has created, shared, and has open collectors for.

TIP! To preview a survey, click any survey title to preview the entire survey—responses won't be recorded.

  • Searching for a survey