
Manage Your Team’s Surveys

ENTERPRISE TEAMS: This article is for Enterprise teams. If you're interested in an Enterprise plan, contact sales.

If you are a Primary Admin, Admin or Division Admin, you can see the surveys created by people on your team and help manage those surveys. This is helpful for transferring a survey from one account to another, sharing surveys on behalf of others, or for deleting surveys the team doesn’t need.

Take a look at the surveys created by each person on your team and decide if you need to take action.

  1. Select My Team from the main navigation.
  2. Select Manage Users.
  3. Find the user whose surveys you’d like to review, select the three dots and choose Manage Surveys.

When you view someone’s surveys, you can see how many surveys the user has created, shared, and has open collectors for. Scroll to see a detailed list and find each survey’s title, date created, status, and number of responses. To see the survey design, select the title to preview.

If you need to transfer a survey from one account to another—which can be helpful when someone leaves and a teammate needs to take over—first, view the person’s surveys you’d like to transfer. You can transfer most surveys except those that accept payments or use a Kiosk collector in offline mode.

To transfer a survey:

  1. Select one or multiple surveys to transfer.
  2. If you’ve selected one survey, find the three dots and choose Transfer. If you’ve selected multiple surveys, find the Actions dropdown and select Transfer.
  3. Enter the name, email, or address of the person you’d like to transfer to. They must have a Power seat to become the new survey owner.
  4. Select Transfer. The new survey owner will be notified and see the survey in their account.

To share surveys owned by someone on your team, first view their surveys. Sharing surveys on their behalf will allow you to choose additional people who can view and comment. If you share surveys with a workgroup, a user may also be able to edit depending on their workgroup role.

To share a survey:

  1. Select one or multiple surveys to share. 
  2. If you’ve selected one survey, find the three dots and choose Share. If you’ve selected multiple surveys, find the Actions dropdown and select Share.
  3. Type in the workgroups or names of who you’d like to share with. You can share with anyone on your plan, but only add workgroups that the survey owner is part of. 

Review the people and workgroups and select Share to confirm. People will be notified by email that you’ve shared with them.

To get started, find the person’s surveys you’d like to delete. You can’t undo the action, so make sure everyone is comfortable with you deleting a survey for this person.

To delete a survey:

  1. Select one or multiple surveys to delete.
  2. If you’ve selected one survey, find the three dots and choose Delete. If you’ve selected multiple surveys, find the Actions dropdown and select Delete.
  3. Review the number of surveys you’ve selected and choose Delete to confirm.