
Creative and Concept Testing Solutions

ADD-ON FEATURE: You can use these solutions with any SurveyMonkey plan type. Get started now, or explore our market research solutions. This solution is available for US Data Center accounts only.

Concept testing is the process of evaluating a concept (like a product or an ad campaign) and how it will be received by consumers before it goes to market.

Using our Market Research Solutions, you can customize a concept test using our built-in expert methodology, launch to a target audience from our global panels, and receive presentation-ready reports.

There are multiple types of concept tests available, depending on the kind of stimuli you want feedback on:

Concept Test TypeStimuli Format
Ad TestingPNG, JPG, or GIF
Concept TestingPNG, JPG, or GIF
Video TestingVimeo or YouTube video link
Package TestingPNG, JPG, or GIF
Logo Design TestingPNG, JPG, or GIF
Name TestingText, up to 250 characters
Message & Claims TestingText, up to 4000 characters
  1. Select your target audience by choosing Country, Gender, Age, and Income criteria.
  2. Click More Targeting Options to browse and choose from hundreds of other targeting options.
  3. (Optional) Add 3 or more screening questions to narrow down your target audience, and disqualify people who aren't the best fit for your survey. This is useful if you didn't find all the targeting options you wanted.
  4. Choose how many responses you want to receive for each stimulus you're testing. Each respondent will only see 1 stimulus, then answer the questions about it. For example, if you're testing two different package concepts, and select 200 responses, you'll receive 400 responses total.

TIP! Learn more in our Ultimate Guide to Concept Testing.

A stimulus is an image, video, or message concept shown to someone in a survey. The stimulus format you can upload depends on what type of concept test you choose. You can add up to 10 stimuli to a concept test.

After uploading your stimuli, you can use the textbox below to add a nickname. Nicknames won't be visible to your respondents, but they can help keep you organized later in your analysis–especially if you're testing multiple stimuli that look similar.

TIP! It's best to add 30 questions or fewer.

Depending on what type of concept test you choose, there are different ways to customize your survey.

Customization options include:

  • Instructions: Include instructions before your survey to help provide context about what your survey-takers are about to see.
  • Attributes: Choose which important attributes you'd like to measure, like "overall appeal," "uniqueness," or "purchase intent".
  • Comparison question: Ask respondents to compare all stimuli and choose which one they like the best.
  • Custom questions: Add custom questions before or after your survey-takers see your stimuli.
  • Benchmarks: Find out how your concepts perform against other brands by comparing your results to data from the industries you select.

Once your project is set up, you can use preview mode to make sure it looks good. Toggle between Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile views to see how your survey will look on various devices.

You can also use the Style dropdown at the top of the page to change the color scheme of your survey.

Before you checkout, we'll ask you to review your order details. You'll see a breakdown of the total cost, and can go back to adjust your targeting and customization options as needed to fit your price range.

Projects can be purchased with a debit or credit card, or with Audience Credits.

Once you complete your payment, go to the Overview section of your survey to see an overview of your concept test's details, estimated delivery date of your results, and the current status of your entire project.

TIP! Learn more about our methodology behind concept testing.

Once your survey responses are complete, you can view insights and responses in the Analysis section of your survey.

The Analysis section has three tabs:

  • Comparison: An overview of the results of your concept test. This includes the overall Top 2 and Bottom 2 Box score across all stimuli, statistically significant results, charts, and scorecards for each question.
  • Stimulus Details: See how each stimuli scored across the different attributes and custom questions.
  • Individual Responses: See how individual respondents answered each question, including the date and time they responded, and how long they spent on your survey. You can also delete responses here.

If you include benchmarks in your project, you can compare your results to other brands in the industries you select. Access your benchmarks in the Benchmarks section of the left sidebar.

In the Filters section of the left sidebar, you can break down your results even further by choosing the criteria you want to focus on. You can only apply 1 filter at a time.

Our AI-Powered Insights uses machine learning to detect significant patterns in your response data. When we find stand-out data in your results, we'll show you Recommended Filters to help you identify useful insights quickly.

Key driver analysis (KDA), also known as relative importance analysis, lets you compare the importance of factors like price, reliability, or status. This helps drive customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, or Net Promoter Score (NPS). Whether these scores are high or low, knowing these factors can be essential to your business.

You can export your results in PPT, XLSX, SPSS or CSV format:

  • The PPT export includes all of the charts and scorecards from the Comparison and Stimulus Details tabs in a presentation-ready, editable format
  • The XLSX, SPSS, and CSV exports include individual responses in a spreadsheet format

To export your results:

  1. Go to the Analysis section of your project.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Export.
  3. Select a file format.
  4. Configure any export options.
  5. Click Export.