
Emailing an Embedded NPS Question

Embed a Net Promoter Score (NPS) question in your email to maximize participation. Survey respondents can select an answer, and we’ll automatically record their answer. We’ll also track any merge fields you included in your survey.

This article uses Net Promoter Score (NPS) as an example, but you can also use multiple choice, CSAT, CES, Polar Choice (Like/Dislike), and Rating questions.

For an embedded email question response to be automatically submitted, your survey must contain 1 question only. Otherwise, your respondents will need to answer any additional follow-up questions and select submit for their answers to be recorded.

Create your survey, including any exit pages or redirects that you’d like that participant to see once the survey is completed.

Because NPS is a standardized question, you can’t change the question text. To customize the question text, recreate the NPS question using the Rating question type instead.

To create an NPS survey for your email:

  • Add an NPS question. From the survey builder, select Add Question, then choose Net Promoter Score.
  • Remove the title page from the survey. Hover over the title page and select X, then select Delete. If you keep the title page, the survey won’t be submitted when a respondent chooses their answer.
  • Set the theme for your survey. Select Themes from the left-side survey builder, then choose your theme. The survey theme determines the color of your embedded NPS question.
  • (optional) Add an exit page to display after a respondent submits your survey. Select Add Exit Page from the survey builder, then create your page. Your exit page will open in the respondent's web browser after they take your survey. If you don't add an exit page, we'll show a default GetFeedback page.

Once your survey is ready, you can create your email. You can choose from a few methods to send your email:

Each option allows you to embed an NPS question into your email. Choose the distribution option that works best for you.

When creating your email:

  • For your email call to action, choose your NPS question. This embeds the NPS question into your email body.
  • Set up your email details, customize the body text, and add merge fields as needed. Each email option allows you to add merge fields to track data and personalize your email.
  • When you’re ready, send your email. Recipients can now use the embedded NPS question to quickly take and submit your survey.

When you’re ready, send your email. Recipients can now use the embedded NPS question to quickly take and submit your survey.