Get insights into why your users land on a system error page by setting up the right targeting criteria using a Full Survey or Slide Out Survey. With this information, you can pinpoint key issues and make changes to reduce the number of people getting sent to a system error page.
To create an error page survey:
Depending on how you distinguish your error page, you can either:
If your URL path indicates the error page, you can target the URL path of the error pages.
For example, target visitors when the path contains: /404/,/systemerror/,/errorpage/,/404.html
If you indicate the error page in the title of the page rather than the URL, you can target a custom JavaScript value and use the document:title option.
The variable “title” is equals to “the title of your error page.”
To use custom JavaScript triggers, please contact for help set this up.
If you are using a content management system (CMS), it's best to use a manual trigger. Add the manual trigger using the script tag.