
Data security is a top priority at GetFeedback. Since July 10th, 2019, GetFeedback has been ISO 27001:2013 certified.

The ISO 27001 certificate is the most globally recognized information security standard defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
As the top certification for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), it prescribes a set of rules on how organizations should manage and securely handle data to safeguard its integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

We take the security of your information seriously and have implemented sophisticated security measures to safeguard it.

Complying with information security best practices and standards means we work hard to keep your data safe. The ISO 27001 certificate means that GetFeedback has implemented processes to:

  • manage information security risks,
  • protect information assets, and
  • maintain compliance with international best practices and legislation.

Reach out to your CSM to request a copy of the certificate or learn more by chatting with us.

GetFeedback for Web works with the protocol of your website.

If your website runs over HTTPS, all requests to and from the GetFeedback servers use HTTPS.

If your website uses HTTP, GetFeedback will usually use the HTTP protocol. However, we always send feedback provided through your feedback button over HTTPS.