
How to Set Up a Simple Review Stage

This article will walk you through how to successfully setup a Simple Review Stage in your site. Simple Review Stages are meant to be easy to set up and easy to complete. If you require more detailed review you may choose to setup an Advanced Review Stage.

In order to create a new Simple Review stage:

  1. Go to your Workflow
  2. Click on the Plus + sign below your list of current stages
  3. Select Simple Review
  4. Enter a name for your stage.
    NOTE: If you wish to rename your stage in the future, please refer to: How to Rename a Stage.

To access the Settings section of your stage:

  1. Go to your Workflow
  2. Click on the Name of the stage to access the stage configurations.
  3. Click on Settings

The Settings section of your stage allows you to set up basic details about the stage:

TitleEdit the Title of your Stage. This is an alternative to the inline process.
Include InstructionsProvide instructions for your reviewers that have assignments in this stage. Use the text editor to style the text.
Review Start Date/TimeEnter the Date/Time you wish for your reviewers to begin completing their reviews.
Reviewers will not be able to access this task until after the start date.
Deadline for Review CompletionEnter the Date/Time you wish for the review period to close.
Reviewers will no longer be able to access the task after the deadline. For more information, refer to How to Set a Deadline on a Stage.
Grace PeriodThe Grace Period is in HOURS. This setting provides reviewers with additional time to complete tasks within this stage.
The grace period is not displayed to reviewers and is an internal setting to determine when to close the program.
Allow Review EditingThis setting allows reviewers to edit the task after initial completion. By default, Reviewers will not be able to edit their review after they have completed it.
Allow Reviewers to make notes on ApplicationsThis setting allows Reviewers to add and share Notes on the application with other Reviewers and Administrators.
Make applicants anonymous to reviewersThis setting hides the Applicant's Name and Email address from the reviewer.
Application StatusDisplay a status to applicants when their application enters this stage.

To access the Evaluation section of your stage:

  1. Go to your Workflow
  2. Click on the Name of the stage to access the stage configurations
  3. Click on Evaluation

For a Simple Review stage, you can select 3 different types of review. Each type comes with different customizations:

SettingsSymbolScaleAbility to Add Custom Labels
Yes/NoThumbs up & down
Check mark & x mark
Smiley and frown faces
The score is either 0% or 100%.Yes
Choose to have your rating out of 3, 4, or 5.No
ScaleNoneCreate a custom scale: minimum of 2, max of 10.Yes

For each of your review types, you can also select Custom scoring to be applied. For example, if you have a 5 Star Rating Scale, you may wish for the value of each star to increment by 2, as opposed to the default score of 1-5. Therefore 5 stars would equal a score of 10 points.

This allows you to add weighting to your simple review scores. You can assign a weighted score to each review stage and it will be used to calculate into the applications total score.

The Simple Review evaluation form contains a comment section which allows reviewers to provide reasoning for the rating. You can choose to make the comment optional or required.

To access the Assignments section of your stage:

  1. Go to the Workflow
  2. Click on the Name of the stage to access the stage configurations
  3. Click on Assignments

For more information on assignments within a review stage you can refer to the following articles in our help centre:

Enter a message that will be displayed to reviewers in this stage once the reviewer has completed all of their assignments.

Following the submission of all reviews, the reviewer will also be presented with the option to navigate:

  • To the list of assignments they just completed
  • To their portal homepage

The stage visibility settings below allow you to control which roles have access to view data in your Apply site. Some settings you can control include applicant account information, application tasks, and reviewer information and scores.

Personal Applicant InformationThis setting will enable/disable all of the applicant information from being available to the reviewers.
Includes: applicant name, email, photo, and uploaded file names
Eligibility ProfileShow/Hide the applicant's responses to the eligibility form in your site.
Applicant Custom FieldsSelect which Applicant Custom Fields you wish to be visible to the reviewers assigned.
LabelsShow/ Hide Labels that have been applied to the application.
StatusShow/ Hide the Application Status to the reviewers.
Application Custom FieldsSelect which Application Custom Fields you wish to be visible to the reviewers assigned.
Activity LogEnable/Disable the ability for your reviewers to see the full activity log of the application.
Application NotesEnable/Disable the ability for your reviewers to view notes that have been left by reviewers and administrators.
Application DatesEnable/ Disable whether the applicant can see the date the application was submitted under the Application tab in their review panel.
This does not have any effect on the Activity Log. If the activity log is enabled the reviewer will be able to view the dates.

The tasks will be separated into each application stage that you have within your site. Therefore you will be able to customize the setting for each stage. For each application stage you can choose to:

  • Show All Application Tasks
  • Choose specific application tasks to be visible
Review ScoresShow/ Hide scores given to the application by the reviewer giving it.
Reviews from other reviewersConfigure settings for information that will be shown to reviewers based on the other reviewers assigned to the application:
- Only Reviews from reviewer's team
- Reviews from previous review stages
- Personal reviewer information from other reviewers
Review Content (excluding scores)Show/ Hide the full review form from the applicant.
Review ScoresShow/ Hide the reviewer scores given to an application.
Personal Reviewer information for reviewersShow/ Hide the reviewers' personal information to the applicants for the application being reviewed.
Includes: reviewer name, email, custom fields, photo

Stage automations allow you to create an automatic action within the site. Common examples are sending emails, moving submissions to the next stage, or adding labels to the application.

When the stage is created it will be automatically populated with a few triggers to get you started:

  • When application enter this stage -> Set status
  • When application enter this stage -> Set labels
  • When all reviewers/teams have completed all reviews -> Move to stage
  • When an application has been reviewed X times -> Move to stage
  • On date -> Email reviewers
  • When a reviewer/team has completed all of their reviews -> Email reviewer

This section contains the Name of the Task, the current status (Active/Inactive), and Actions you can take on the automation.

To Edit the Automation:

  1. Click on the Edit Icon beside the Automation you wish to Edit
  2. Refer to How to Create a Stage Automation for more detailed instructions.

For More Actions:

  1. Hover your cursor over the Automation you wish to edit
  2. Click on the More Options icon beside the Automation
  3. A dropdown will appear with a list of actions you can take

The actions you can take are:

  • Activate
  • Deactivate
  • Duplicate
  • Delete