
How to Pipe Variables into Emails

In addition to piping within forms, it is also possible to have site data piped into emails within your site.  This can be useful if you would like to personalize emails that are getting sent from your site by utilizing manual emails or automations.

To include piping variables in manual emails:

  1. Go to the Manage Applications section
  2. Select the applications whose applicants you want to email. You can use the Search by or Filters to pull up a list of specific applications
  3. Click the Email icon
  4. Click on the Piping tool icon within the Subject or Body to customize the text
  5. Select the target which you would like to pipe from (User, Applicant, Form Responses)
  6. Select the specific variable(s) you would like piped into the email
  7. Click Add

To include piping variables in manual emails:

  1. Go to Manage Users
  2. Select the users you wish to email. You can use the Search by or Filters to pull up a list of specific users
  3. Click the checkbox next to the user(s) you want to email
  4. Click the Email icon
  5. Click on the Piping tool icon within the Subject or Body to customize the text.
  6. Select the target which you would like to pipe from (User, Applicant)
  7. Select the specific variable(s) you would like piped into the email
  8. Click Add

To include piping variables in manual emails:

  1. Create a New Email Template
  2. Click on the Piping tool icon within the Subject or Body to customize the text.
  3. Select the target which you would like to pipe from (User, Applicant)
  4. Select the specific variable(s) you would like piped into the email
  5. Click Add

It is also possible to pipe information from different locations in the site to an automated email using site automations.  This will allow you to further personalize emails which are sent to users in the site, whether it's directed to a Reviewer or an Applicant, to complete a review, or to confirm to an Applicant that their application has been submitted.

  1. Create your email automation
  2. Click on the Piping tool icon next to the Recipient field to customize who the email is to be sent to
  3. Click on the Piping tool icon within the Subject or Body to customize the text
  4. Select the target which you would like to pipe from (User, Applicant)
  5. Select the specific variable(s) you would like piped into the email
  6. Click Add