
Customizing Charts and Data Tables

Charts and data tables are automatically generated for all closed-ended survey questions.

If you're using multi-survey analysis, this process looks a little different. Learn more

To customize your charts and data tables:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey.
  2. Click Customize at the top of the question.
  3. Select an available Chart Type. You can choose one of several chart types for each of your questions. The chart types available depend on the question type.
  4. Explore the options under the Display Options, Colors, and Labels tabs, explained in detail below.
  5. Check Apply to all to apply changes to all charts and data tables. Some might not update because some options aren't available for certain question types.
  6. Click Save.

TIP! Export your custom charts and use them in presentations, send them via email, or share them anywhere else. Custom charts cannot be exported in CSV or XLS.

Display options allow you to fine-tune the way your data displays in a chart or data table. The options available depend on both the question type and the chart type.


Chart, Data in Chart, Data Table

Use the checkboxes to show or hide the question chart, the data table that appears below the question, or the data values (response counts or percentages) on the chart itself.
Zero-Response Answer ChoicesHide any answer choices that received no responses. Learn more: Combining or Hiding Answer Choices
Statistical SignificanceShow statistically significant differences in the data table below the question chart. Learn more: Statistical Significance
Basic StatisticsShow the minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation in a separate data table below the question chart. Learn more: Basic Statistics
Axis ScaleChart the percentage of responses or or the absolute number of responses for each answer choice.
Min and MaxEdit the minimum and maximum axis values for the chart. As you collect new responses, the min and max values may adjust—the min value cannot be greater than the lowest value in the chart and the max value cannot be lower than the highest value in the chart.
DepthChart the average or weighted average, or chart the distribution of answer choices.
Decimal PlacesChoose between 0, 1, or 2 decimal places.
LabelsShow either a chart legend or chart labels for pie or donut charts. Chart labels appear alongside the chart itself and a chart legend appears at the bottom of a chart.
Swap Rows and ColumnsSwap the rows and columns in the data table of Ranking, Matrix/Rating Scale, and Matrix of Dropdown Menus question when Depth is set as Distribution.

Change Chart Colors

Paid feature
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To edit chart colors:

  1. Click the color block to edit the color. You can choose from the color picker or enter your own hex codes.
  2. Drag and drop the color blocks into the order you want reflected in the chart itself. The first color in the row corresponds with the first answer choice in the data table.

To edit a label, click the question text above the chart or an answer choice in the data table and select Edit this label.

  • Editing labels doesn't affect the question text or answer choices in your survey design.
  • You can restore the original label by clicking Revert to the right of a label in edit mode.

Because there are no rows to automatically pull labels from, data tables made from single row rating questions use (no label) by default as column headers. You can change this by editing these labels.