
Combining or Hiding Answer Choices

You can combine or hide answer choices in a chart for closed-ended question types with a single answer choice allowed.

To combine or hide answer choices:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey.
  2. Scroll to the chart you want to hide answer choices from.
  3. Click the answer choice from the data table below the chart.
  4. Select either Combine with... or Hide and recalculate. We'll recalculate the data for you. (If you don't see the option, the feature isn't available for the question type.)
  5. If combining, select the answer choices and rename the label.

You can also filter by combined answer choices. To uncombine or unhide answer choices, click the appropriate answer choice and select Uncombine data or click Show beneath the data table.

Combining and hiding answer choices only affects the display of your charts—it doesn't affect the raw data or survey design. These combined labels can't be used to create filters, compare rules, or show rules.

Hide answer choices that didn't receive any responses from your chart. If you hide zero-response answer choices, they won't appear in PDF or PowerPoint exports of summary data.

To hide answer choices that didn't receive any responses:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results section of your survey.
  2. Scroll to the chart you want to hide answer choices from.
  3. Select Customize, then go to the Display Options.
  4. Select Zero-response answer choices.

The following question types aren't supported: Best/Worst Scale, Matrix, Matrix Dropdown, NPS, Ranking, Slider, Star Rating