
Citing SurveyMonkey or SurveyMonkey Audience

You can reference or cite our company, SurveyMonkey, or the SurveyMonkey product in a paper, thesis, blog, or other publication. Please format the information as required according to the style manual or guide used by your company, school, or organization.

When referencing SurveyMonkey, please include the following:

  • Name: SurveyMonkey Inc.
  • Location: San Mateo, California, USA
  • Main Website:

Content on the SurveyMonkey website is likely protected by copyright or trademarked. Survey content is generally owned by the user who conducted the survey. If you did not create the survey, you may need to seek their permission if you want to reference it.

To use any SurveyMonkey logo or screenshots of the website, please see our Brand and Trademark Use Policy for details.

When referencing SurveyMonkey Audience, keep the name SurveyMonkey Audience intact and include a link to our Audience main website:

  • Name: SurveyMonkey Audience
  • Website:

Example Citation: The data for this survey was collected using SurveyMonkey Audience. Information on how respondents are recruited to SurveyMonkey is available here:

To use SurveyMonkey Audience logo or screenshots of the website, please see our Brand and Trademark Use Policy for details.