
SurveyMonkey for Salesforce: Measuring Net Promoter® Score

Get the integration! SurveyMonkey for Salesforce is an Enterprise add-on. Contact Sales or your Customer Success Manager (CSM). Limitation: The integration setup is only available in English.

If you use our Salesforce integration, you can create Net Promoter® Score (NPS) surveys and map the survey responses directly into Salesforce. You can use Salesforce reporting to calculate NPS and create dashboards to display key customer feedback. Learn more about the SurveyMonkey for Salesforce integration.

This article walks you through the following steps to set up NPS reporting in Salesforce:

  1. Create a custom Salesforce object, or add fields to your existing one
  2. Add a formula to group NPS responses
  3. Total the NPS scores
  4. Create a custom NPS report type
  5. Calculate NPS scores using your report and a summary formula

This is just one way to set up NPS tracking in Salesforce – your NPS program should be customized to fit your organization’s needs.

SurveyMonkey can’t consult on coding issues in your Salesforce environment. Reach out to your Salesforce administrator for help implementing these features. These examples help you get started with our Salesforce integration, and you may need to make changes for your organization.

If you don’t already have a custom response object, create a new custom object in Salesforce. In this case, we've named our object NPS Responses. Or, you can use the same object you already use for survey responses.

Your custom response object should contain the following fields:

  • Survey Name (Text)
  • Contact (Lookup relationship – Contact)
  • Email (Email)
  • Net Promoter Score (Number)
  • Comments (Long Text)
  • NPS Response URL (Text, URL)
  • NPS Grouping (Formula, result: Text)
  • Promoter (Formula, result: Number)
  • Passive (Formula, result: Number)
  • Detractor (Formula, result: Number)

On your custom object, add a formula field for NPS Grouping. NPS Grouping is a formula that categorizes survey takers as Promoters (9 & 10), Passives (7 & 8), or Detractors (6 & below) based on their Net Promoter Score. You can decide to display images or text in this field. For example, you can use stars, hearts, or other icons to help people quickly identify scores.

Use one of the formulas below to use NPS Grouping on your object.

Use this formula in your field to add images to each NPS grouping. You can replace the file path (for example, "/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015o0000001blTH") with a different image.

IF(Net_Promoter_Score__c < 7,
IMAGE("/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015o0000001blTH", "Detractor"),
IF(Net_Promoter_Score__c > 8,
IF(OR(Net_Promoter_Score__c = 7, Net_Promoter_Score__c = 8),
"Passive"), ""))),"")

Use this formula to group NPS scores without using images.

IF(Net_Promoter_Score__c < 7, "Detractor",
IF(OR(Net_Promoter_Score__c = 7, Net_Promoter_Score__c = 8),
IF(Net_Promoter_Score__c > 8, "Promoter", ""))), "")

Add the Promoter, Passive, and Detractor fields to total the number of responses you’ve received for each NPS grouping. You need these grouping totals to calculate NPS in Salesforce. These fields don’t need to be visible on the page layout to add their totals together.

Use these formulas to total the number of responses for each group:

  • Promoter: IF(Net_Promoter_Score__c > 8, 1, 0)
  • Passive: IF(AND(Net_Promoter_Score__c > 6, Net_Promoter_Score__c < 9), 1, 0)
  • Detractor: IF(Net_Promoter_Score__c < 7, 1, 0)

Create a custom report type in Salesforce for your NPS object. You’ll use this report to calculate your NPS score.

To calculate NPS scores in Salesforce:

  1. Create a new Salesforce summary report using your NPS report type. You can choose to summarize NPS by Survey Name, or filter the report to only show specific Surveys.
  2. Write a summary formula in your report to calculate your score. The formula below is an example of an NPS calculation formula. Make sure to update the formula with the correct object name and field names based on how it’s been set up in your environment.
    We recommend selecting Grand Total Only when applying the formula.
(NPS_Responses__c.Promoter__c:SUM/RowCount*100) - 

Now that your Salesforce environment is ready, you can map your NPS survey into Salesforce. In SurveyMonkey, open the Salesforce integration, then map your response data to the corresponding Salesforce fields. For example, you can map the survey name, NPS score, and any comments to your custom Salesforce fields.

When you've finished setting up mappings, you can start collecting responses.