In this article

The Stripe integration lets you accept payments in 23 currencies including, USD, CAD, GPB, AUD, and JPY. Stripe is Wufoo's preferred payment partner and a great solution for a professional and seamless payment experience.

Tip! Our article on Choosing a Payment Merchant can help you choose the right payment integration.

  1. Log in and go to Forms.
  2. To the right of the form,
    • If you're using legacy Wufoo, click Payments.
    • If you're using the new Wufoo experience, click the View Payments icon.

For merchants in the EEA: This integration is not supported in the European Economic Area (EEA) for newly integrated customers. If you’ve already integrated PayPal Website Payments Pro with Wufoo, and are linked to Cardinal, the integration is still supported.

  • Merchant Setup
  • Payment Options
  • Assigning Prices