
Importing Recipients and Removing Recently Emailed Recipients

It's quick and easy to add recipients to your survey:

  1. Log in to TechValidate and select Projects.
  2. Select project.
  3. Select Select Recipients.
  4. Select Add Recipients.

There are three ways to import outside data to create your recipient lists:

  1. Generate a CSV file (headers: first name, last name, email address, company name) and upload it to TechValidate (Click "Import from a CSV File")
  2. Import an existing list from a previous TechValidate project
  3. Add a recipient by typing their information in directly

The most common way to import data is from a CSV file. Drop your CSV into the box or select file to upload. Then click Complete Import.

Here's an example of a CSV file format. It includes a header row for the following fields: First name, Last name, Email address, Company names.

Example of a CSV file showing the header rows and sample data within.

Congratulations - you're finished with this step! On to the next step: Request Questionnaire Delivery.

Our clients have found the best value in using TechValidate to gather evidence from your customers up to 4 times a year with unique questionnaires. With our "Last Touch" filter in Step 2, you can now easily identify who were the recently surveyed customers and choose to remove them from your project.

  1. Import your recipient list from a CSV file or from a previous project
  2. Select the amount of time you would like to filter by.
  3. Remove all recipients that have been included on a TechValidate project within a certain date range.
Arrow pointing to the Last emailed dropdown to indicate how you can filter by time.