
Using TechValidate for Customer Reference Volunteers

TechValidate can append an additional question to your questionnaire asking the recipient whether they would be willing to participate in any customer referencing activities. All recipients who agree to be named references are displayed in the Reference Volunteers report accessible from your vendor homepage.

This question does not count as one of the 10 allowed questions in your questionnaire.

Arrow pointing to the Customer Reference Volunteers option under Project Options.

Follow these instructions to activate customer reference volunteers:

  1. Select Customer reference volunteers in Delivery Options.
  2. Customers are asked within the questionnaire if they're willing to participate in some of the standard named reference questions.
    • One new update that was made to TechValidate is the option to customize up to THREE customer reference activities to better suit your needs. If you would like to do this, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to customize this.
  3. Access your Reference Volunteers.
The Reference volunteers selection where you can view your Customer Reference Volunteers.