Tagging TechFacts and case studies will help you more easily find and filter them as your repository of content grows. With tags, you'll be able easily search within your Content Library and your Salesforce integration, which will make it faster to find the asset you are looking for. Please note that tags are for internal use only and will not be seen on any public pages or public facing content.
We recommend that you tag your TechFacts and case studies with keywords that are relevant to your business such as:
Please note you cannot use tags to exclude content. Tags only work by searching for that specific tag.
Follow these steps to create tags:
Once a piece of content has already been published, you can still go back and adjust (add/edit/delete) the tags on the content as needed:
Follow these steps for using tags:
If you have the Salesforce integration enabled and active, follow these exact steps in Salesforce.
Here's how to make the tags you and your team have created for your content work for you: