
Publishing Quotes/Testimonials

Quote/Testimonial questions will produce authentic customer quotes that you can begin publishing right away. Follow these steps to publish quotes:

  1. In your project, go to the Responses by Question tab.
  2. Navigate to your Quote/Testimonial question and click on Individual Responses.
  3. (Optional) Leverage the filters to narrow down your list of responses. We recommend filtering by AttributionNamed and sorting your responses by NPS so that you can see the positive ratings at the top.
  4. Find a quote you want to publish and click on Preview TechFact.
  5. Make any necessary edits and follow the steps for publishing content.
  6. Click on Submit for approval.

You can revise or delete customer quotes at any time by viewing them in your Content Library. All content will be reviewed by TechValidate staff and validated within 1-2 business days. To share quotes or use them in your sales/marketing material, go to your Content Library for easy sharing.