
TechValidate Content Redesign and Branding Capabilities

From the start, your content will be automatically branded to your company and products. As TechValidate User, you do have the power to edit your branding at any time, as well as the styling of the content created. 

  1. Log in to TechValidate and navigate to the Settings Tab in the left toolbar.
  2. Click on the Content Branding tab.
  3. Choose one of the product families. Click the Edit icon, or just the name itself. Every customer has one product by default, but you may have multiple if you have different branding for different products under your parent company. 
  4. This is where you can edit your colors, fonts, borders, and more. Once you click Save, your changes will apply to all current and created content. 

We allow you to add a primary and if applicable, a secondary color that best matches your brand. You can then select which color to use for the title, border and background, selecting from either the primary color, secondary color or a preset option. The colors you select will be applied to all asset types.

The preview of any font or color changes adjust in real time within the application, however, pdfs or downloadable images may take up to 24 hours to reflect those changes.