
SurveyMonkey Brand Updates

TIP! The SurveyMonkey product and site is not changing — and your login and account details are not changing.

We’re excited to announce that we're returning to our iconic SurveyMonkey brand name.

SurveyMonkey continues to be a leader in agile experience management, delivering powerful, purpose-built solutions that bring together the best parts of humanity and technology to redefine AI. Our products empower ​decision-makers at 345,000 organizations worldwide to shape exceptional experiences.

More than 20 million active users rely on SurveyMonkey not only to build surveys and forms, but to fuel market insights, brand insights, employee experience, customer experience, and product experience. Ultimately, our vision is to raise the bar for human experiences by amplifying individual voices.

The SurveyMonkey product is not changing.

What’s changingWhat’s not changing
Our corporate brand is returning to SurveyMonkey at surveymonkey.comTo access our SurveyMonkey product, you still log into
Our company logo and brand assetsIndividual products continue to use their product-specific logos
Our company address (updated May 2024)All other details, including our registration number, VAT, bank details, and product names

All your login and account details are the same, and the SurveyMonkey product is not changing.

  • Does this change how I reach out to support?
  • Is my Customer Success Manager changing?
  • Will the contracting entity be changing?
  • Will I need a new contract?
  • How do I get a new vendor form or W9?
  • Do I need to resubmit my tax exemption form for approval?
  • Will the name of the invoice I receive change?

We wanted a name that captures our unique ability to bring the best of humanity and technology together—our classic brand name. We have 20+ years of expertise designing powerful, intuitive technology that allows you to launch end-to-end programs so you can start surfacing insights you need, and surveys represent a piece of that.

SurveyMonkey puts people at the center of our technology, amplifying voices to accelerate progress, tap into curiosity, get fresh perspectives, and make tough calls. Our AI-powered solutions deliver insights into your hands in hours or days, not weeks or months. Our products are built for speed and agility, so you can confidently reshape your customer experience, your product, your organization, or your industry.

We offer purpose-built solutions for every decision-maker in your organization so you can shape exceptional experiences. You can find comprehensive programs, including:

Market InsightsUnderstand your market deeply with accurate insights delivered in hours, not months
Brand InsightsElevate your brand by identifying what truly resonates with your audience
Customer ExperienceDeliver memorable customer experiences that set you apart from the competition
Employee ExperienceUnderstand and engage employees to build a better, more diverse workplace
Product ExperienceLearn what your users really think in order to build products your customers love