
SurveyMonkey Audience: Additional Targeting Settings

When buying responses with SurveyMonkey Audience, you can customize your project and targeting to meet your needs. There are a few additional settings you can use:

  • Custom screening questions: Make your target audience even more specific by adding up to 3 screener questions.
  • Schedule for later: Schedule your survey’s launch up to a month in advance.
  • Exclusions: Prevent respondents who have taken other surveys you’ve created in the past 100 days from participating.

Not sure where to start? Learn how to buy responses with SurveyMonkey Audience.

Make your target audience even more specific by adding up to 3 screener questions. This will require even more responses to reach your goal.

For example, you want to target people with small dogs. You choose “owns a dog” in your targeting criteria when setting up your SurveyMonkey Audience project. In your survey design, you can include the following screening question:

  1. How large is your dog?
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large

Respondents that choose “small” should be allowed to continue the survey, while respondents who choose “medium” or “large” should be disqualified, since they don’t meet the criteria for your survey. 

To add custom screening questions:

  1. Go to the Optional settings section.
  2. Toggle on the Custom screening questions option.
  3. Make sure you’ve added a question to the beginning of your survey. We recommend Multiple Choice or Checkboxes.
  4. Choose the percentage of people you expect to qualify for your survey based on your screening questions. This is called the Qualification Rate.

Select a date and time to collect responses for your chosen audience. This can help you target respondents in a different time zone or send your survey after a specific event occurs. 

You can choose a date and time up to a month in the future. On the date you select, we’ll send your survey to your target audience. The scheduled time is based on the time zone set in your SurveyMonkey account.

To schedule your survey’s launch:

  1. Go to the Optional settings section.
  2. Toggle on the Schedule for later option.
  3. Choose the date and time you want to send your survey.

Exclusions help you collect new responses from different panelists if you’re relaunching your survey. Here are two ways to exclude previous panelists from taking your survey.

When you relaunch a survey via SurveyMonkey Audience, we automatically exclude any panelists who took this survey in the past. Simply create a new Audience collector for the same survey to apply the exclusions. 

Here’s how it works. Let's say you send survey A for the first time. If you send survey A again one month later, we automatically exclude panelists who previously took survey A. This way, you get a new set of responses.

Exclude duplicate panelists from taking different surveys that you’ve previously sent. 

For example, you create survey B and need a new set of panelists. Before sending survey B, use the Exclusions option on the Audience calculator page and select survey A from the dropdown menu. Any panelists who took survey A will not be sent survey B.

To exclude respondents from surveys you've sent via SurveyMonkey Audience: 

  1. Toggle on the Exclusions option.
  2. Select the surveys that you need excluded.

TIP! If your survey was sent more than 100 days ago, it won't be displayed in the exclusions dropdown menu. Contact us to apply survey exclusions on your behalf, and then provide us the following information:
- Title of the survey you need to send.
- Targeting criteria for the new survey.
- Title of the surveys you sent before—we’ll prevent panelists who took this survey from taking your new survey.