
Post SurveyMonkey Responses Automatically in Slack

Beta feature: The Connect tab and ability to automate Slack and SurveyMonkey is only available to some English customers within the US or CA data centers at this time. 

Connect your SurveyMonkey account with Slack so you can automatically post survey responses in public or private Slack channels in real time. You can set up the workflow so all responses post to Slack or set conditions based on a specific set of responses to target notifications and encourage the right people to take action.

Connecting SurveyMonkey to Slack is helpful for initiating action to follow up with customers or employees to improve trends based on their responses to your survey, or to share feedback to offer transparency to your team or just to the right people.

Automating responses in Slack is only possible for Complete responses

You can set up automations so survey responses post in Slack. 

To set up your survey to send slack messages with your survey responses:

  1. From the Connect Apps tab, locate Slack.
  2. Click the Quick action, + Post to channel.
  3. Click Connect to link your SurveyMonkey account to Slack.
  4. Click Allow to give SurveyMonkey access to your Slack workspace.
  5. Search for the Slack Channel you want responses to post to.
    1. If you want to post to a private channel, you need to manually invite the SurveyMonkey bot to that channel. Open the private channel in Slack and send @surveymonkey as the message to that channel to install the app. You only need to do this once per private channel you wish to post responses to.
  6. Enter an Optional Message to send along with the response in Slack to provide context. 
  7. (Optional) By default, all new responses will be shared in Slack. If you want to filter which survey responses are shared, click + Add filter by Send when.
    1. Select a question to base your filter on. 
    2. Update the filter options from the dropdown options. 
    3. Update the response options to include in your filter. 
    4. Click Save
    5. To add additional filters, click + Add another filter
    6. Click Apply filters
  8. Click Save and activate.

An overview of all Slack Quick actions you set up are available in the Connect Apps tab under Slack. You can click the toggle to disable or enable an automation. Or, you can click to Edit or Delete an automation.

  • Condition Limitations

Any new responses matching your Send when filter criteria post to your channels in real time. The message you set up displays along with a link to See full response which opens a Shared data page in a new tab.

If you add a Name, Email address, Phone, and Address question type to your survey and send it via a Web link collector, the respondent’s demographic info may appear in your Slack posts. Also, if you use an Email invitation collector to send your survey the respondent’s first and last name, and email may appear in posts.