You can create your survey in any language yet SurveyMonkey streamlines survey creation in 57 supported survey languages.
You'll provide the text for your survey, like the title, questions, and answers, in any language you like. When you update the Language for your survey, certain default survey text—like navigation buttons and the survey end page—are translated automatically for you.
If you don’t see the language you want to use in the Default survey language dropdown, you can Add another language to create a Multilingual Survey, potentially with multiple survey language options for respondents to choose from.
Someone’s language browser settings may affect the survey language displayed.
To update the survey language:
You also can choose your SurveyMonkey account language to update the languages within SurveyMonkey.
When you make a question required or add validation to a question, we automatically add an error message in the current survey language. Error messages let respondents know if they fill out a question in the wrong format, or if they skip a required question.
When you change the survey language, error messages for existing questions do not automatically update to the new language, so you'll need to go back and update them.
To update existing error messages to match the new survey language:
The error message will now appear in the current survey language.
You can change the survey language to RTL languages such as Arabic and Hebrew and write survey question text from right to left. However, it's not possible to adjust the survey layout to display question numbers, matrix rows, labels, and navigation from right to left.
To make the survey language RTL:
We provide translations for the following default survey text for supported survey languages: