
New Homepage: If you’re seeing the new homepage experience things may look a bit different but we encourage you to try it out. If you don’t find the features you’re looking for, you can select the New Homepage toggle to access My Surveys.

You can use the filters on the Homepage and My Surveys page to identify surveys by survey title, status, or owner. You can also use folders to organize all your surveys in the best way for you.

All surveys is your default view on both the new homepage and My Surveys page. It isn’t possible to change your default view. 

To view surveys in folders, select the folder name on the new homepage or select the folder name from the All folder dropdown on My Surveys.

Folder names can be up to 50 characters long. 

  • Steps from the new homepage
  • Steps from My Surveys
  • Steps from the new homepage
  • Steps from My Surveys

When you delete a folder, surveys inside the folder aren't deleted. Surveys will stay in your account in All Surveys.

  • Steps from the new homepage
  • Steps from My Surveys
  • Steps from the new homepage
  • Steps from My Surveys
  • Steps from the new homepage
  • Steps from My Surveys

Share Surveys

Paid feature
Log in to see if this feature is included in your plan.

When you have shared surveys in your account, My Surveys automatically creates certain folders to help you organize your survey list.

Folder nameDescription
All surveysEvery survey in your account (includes surveys shared with you)
Surveys not filedOnly available from My Surveys. The surveys in your account that haven't been added to a folder (excludes surveys shared with you)
Your surveysSurveys owned by you
Surveys shared with othersSurveys you own and have shared with others
Surveys shared with youSurveys owned by someone else and shared with you

You can’t add surveys shared with you to your folders—you can only move surveys you own.