Beta feature: The Connect apps tab and ability to post to a Microsoft Teams channel or chat is only available to some English customers in some countries, at this time.
Connect your SurveyMonkey account with Microsoft Teams so you can automatically post survey responses in a Microsoft Teams channel or chat, in real time. You can set up the workflow so all responses post to Microsoft Teams or set conditions based on a specific set of responses to target notifications and encourage the right people to take action.
Connecting SurveyMonkey to Microsoft Teams is helpful for initiating action to follow up with customers or employees to improve trends based on their responses to your survey, or to share feedback to offer transparency to your team or just to the right people.
Automating responses in Microsoft Teams is only possible for Complete responses.
You can set up automations so survey responses post in Microsoft Teams.
To set up your survey to send Microsoft Teams messages with your survey responses:
An overview of all Microsoft Teams quick actions you set up are available in the Manage tab, within Connect Apps. You can select the toggle to disable or enable an automation. Or, you can select … to Edit action, Manage connection, or Delete an automation.
TIP! Feel free to create multiple workflows to deliver to various channels or use filters to customize the information getting sent to Microsoft Teams.
Any new responses matching your targeting criteria post to your channels or chats, in real time. The message you set up displays and may have a link to view the individual response, which opens a Shared data page in a new tab.
You can view and manage your connected apps and actions from the Manage tab, under Connect Apps. You can select Manage connections to either Reauthenticate, which refreshes your existing connection, or fully uninstall the Microsoft Teams app by selecting Delete. You can also select the toggle to turn an action on or off, or click the … to Edit action or Delete it permanently.