In this article

Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM) Integration

Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) allows you to quickly manage and deploy tags and distribute data. It’s part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud. DTM provides an interface to quickly and easily manage an unlimited number of Adobe Analytics and third-party tags.

You can install your GetFeedback web feedback button through Adobe. To implement a web feedback button through Adobe DTM:

  1. In, create a feedback button. You will receive a JavaScript code snippet. This JavaScript code will be used to implement the button through DTM.
  2. Sign in to Adobe DTM.
  3. On the Adobe DTM home screen, select the web property you want to install the button on.
  4. In the Rules menu, select Page Load, then create a new rule. Name your rule and set the conditions (the "if" statements of your rule).
  5. In the Javascript / Third Party Tags section, select the Sequential HTML tab, then select Add New Script.
  6. Paste your GetFeedback button code. This code becomes the “then” statement of your rule.
  7. Save your rule. You can now deploy the rule through the multi-step approval process.

Once an Approver, Approver & Publisher, or Admin level user approves your rule, the change goes into the publishing queue (in the History tab). An Admin, Publisher, or Approver and Publisher needs to publish the rule to show the button on your site.

There are many ways to implement your feedback button with Adobe Dynamic Tag Management. Here are a few conditions you can use when implementing your button.

Indicate rule to fire on HTTP or HTTPS
Indicate rule to fire or not fire on specified subdomain(s).
Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.
Indicate rule to fire or not fire on specified URL path(s)
Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.
Indicate rule to fire if specific URL parameter(s) with specific values are present.
Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.


Indicate rule to fire only if user accepts cookies based on presence of sat_track cookie that is set to 'true'
Require data element setup.
Cooking can be given custom name on the Edit Property page.

Indicate rule to fire only in specified browsers.

Operating System
Indicate rule to fire only in specified operating systems.

Device Type
Indicate rule to fire only on specified devices.
Screen Resolution
Indicate rule to fire within specified screen-resolution ranges.
Window Size
Indicate rule to fire within specified window-size ranges.

Traffic Source
Indicate rule to fire if visit came from specified source.
Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.
Landing Page
Indicate rule to fire if visit landed on specified page(s)
Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.

New/Returning Visitor
Indicate rule to fire only if new/returning visit.

Indicate rule to fire only if new/returning visit.
Page Views
Indicate rule to fire if visitor has had >,+, or < specified number of page views in this session or all sessions

Time on Site
Indicate rule to fire if visit persists for specified # of minutes.
Registered User
Indicate a rule to fire based on user registration status as indicated in data element. if the indicated data element has a value, then the condition evaluates as "true" (does not include the default value).
Requires data element setup.
Logged In
Indicate rule to fire if user is/is not logged in as indicated in data element. If the indicated data element has a value, then the condition evaluates as "true" (does not include the default value).
Requires data element setup.
Previous Converter
Indicate rule to fire if user is/is not a previous converter as indicated data element. if the indicated data element has a value, then the condition evaluates as "true" (does not include the default value).
Requires data element setup.
Cart Item Quanitity
Indicate rule to fire if user has certain number of items in cart as indicated in data element.
Requires data element setup.
Cart Amount
Indicate rule to fire if user has certain dollar value in cart as indicated in data element.
Requires data element setup.

Indicate rule to fire if specified cookie with specified value is present.

Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.
Data Element Value
Indicate rule to fire if specified data element with specified value is present.

Requires data element setup.

Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.
Variable Set
Indicate rule to fire if specified JS object with specified value is present. it may be necessary to prefix the object path with the appropriate scope depending on the scenario - 'this', 'even', 'target', 'window', or 'param'.
Enable regex on this condition to include multiple scenarios in a single condition.

Open a blank text box to input custom script.