
Filtering by Score Questions in Workspaces

Filter your workspace by responses to your score-based questions.

Select Add Filter to create your filter. Then, select and set up your filter:

  • NPS: Select an NPS question. Choose to filter by promoter scores, detractor scores, passive scores, or choose Is any of or Is not and select the scores to filter by.
  • Rating: Select a Rating score. Choose to filter by results that Is any of or Is not the value you choose. Then, select the scores to filter by.
  • Mood: Select a Mood question. Choose to show results that Is any of or Is not the moods you choose. Then, select the mood scores to filter by.
  • Slider: Select a Slider question. Choose to Show Results or Exclude Results that match the filter. Then, enter the Start and Max values to filter by.
    The filter will show or exclude responses that match any score in the range you enter.

Once you’ve selected your filter settings, select Apply to turn on the filter.