In this article

How to Edit a Task on Behalf of a User

While monitoring your SurveyMonkey Apply site, you may be required to make changes to applications on behalf of an applicant. For example, upload a file for an applicant, or change a response in a form. This article will walk through the ways in which this can be done, including how to make these changes after a deadline has passed for the applicants.

There are 2 ways to edit a task:

One way to edit an application on behalf of an applicant is to assume their role in the site. This can allow you to view the application as that applicant. However, while assuming the role of the user you will take on the same restrictions as that user. For example, deadlines, or visibility settings on the tasks.

If the deadline has passed, the application is locked, or the task is not visible to the applicant, refer to How to Edit an Application through the Admin Application View below for more information.

To edit an application:

  1. Assume the role of the applicant.
  2. Click to Start or Continue their application.
  3. Click to Start or Continue the specific task you wish to edit.
  4. Make your necessary changes.
  5. Click "Save & Continue Editing" or "Mark as Complete." 

In some cases, you may need to bypass restrictions placed on the task/application for the applicant, such as a deadline, or visibility setting. If this is the case you can edit the application through the Administrator View of an Application.

To edit an application:

  1. Go to the Admin Application View.
  2. Click on the Application tab.
  3. Go to the Task you wish to Edit.
  4. Click on the More Options icon.
  5. Click Edit Task.
  6. Make your necessary changes.
  7. Click "Save & Continue Editing" or "Mark as Complete."

If the form was "Completed" prior to making changes, it is important to press Mark as Complete. Clicking Save & Continue will update the task status to be In Progress.

There are 2 ways to edit a task for a reviewer:

One way to edit a review on behalf of a reviewer is to assume their role in the site. This can allow you to view and edit the reviewer form as that user. However, while assuming the role of the user you will take on the same restrictions as that user. For example, deadlines, or visibility settings on the tasks.

If the deadline has passed, the application is locked, or the task is not visible to the reviewer, refer to How to Edit a Review through the Admin Application View below for more information.

To edit a review:

  1. Assume the role of the reviewer.
  2. Click to Start or Continue the Stage/Program assignments.
  3. Click to Start or Continue the review task for the specific application.
  4. Make your necessary changes.
  5. Click "Save & Continue Editing" or "Mark as Complete."

In some cases you may need to bypass restrictions placed on the task for the reviewer, such as a deadline, or the application is no longer available for review. If this is the case you can edit the application through the Administrator View of an Application.

To edit a review:

  1. Go to the Admin Application View.
  2. Click on the Reviews tab.
  3. Go to the Task you wish to Edit.
  4. Click on the More Options icon.
  5. Click Edit Task.
  6. Make your necessary changes.
  7. Click "Save & Continue Editing" or "Mark as Complete."

If the form was "Completed" prior to making changes, it is important to press Mark as Complete. Clicking Save & Continue will update the task status to be In Progress.

There are 2 ways to edit a task for a recommender:

One way to edit a recommendation on behalf of a recommender is to assume their role in the site. This can allow you to view and edit the recommendation form as that user. However, while assuming the role of the user you will take on the same restrictions as that user. For example, deadlines, or visibility settings on the tasks.

If the deadline has passed, the application is locked, or the task is not visible to the recommender, refer to How to Edit a Recommendation through the Admin Application View below for more information.

To edit a recommendation:

  1. Assume the role of the reviewer.
  2. Click to Start or Continue the recommendation task. If you are starting the recommendation for the recommender you will also need to Accept or Decline the recommendation request.
  3. Make your necessary changes.
  4. Click "Save & Continue Editing" or "Mark as Complete."

In some cases, you may need to bypass restrictions placed on the task for the recommender, such as a deadline, or the application has moved stages. If this is the case you can edit the recommendation through the Administrator View of an Application.

To edit a recommendation:

  1. Go to the Admin Application View.
  2. Click on the Application tab.
  3. Go to the Recommendation Task you wish to Edit.
  4. Click on the More Options icon.
  5. Click Edit Recommendation.
  6. Make your necessary changes.
  7. Click "Save & Continue Editing" or "Mark as Complete."

If the form was "Completed" prior to making changes, it is important to press Mark as Complete. Clicking Save & Continue will update the task status to be In Progress.